Monday 30 March 2015

Reliving volleyball memories // Passion // Grateful :)

hey ;)

Well, I've FINALLY played volleyball with BBB during one of our juniors' trainings on Saturday (ISH!!!). And still v saddening to hear that ISH can only be used by volleyball on Saturdays, and only during seasons. Really, volleyball is an indoor sport and I definitely feel that playing in the ISH would improve the team's skills ALOT MORE. But school has their weird priorities which is just bullshit sometimes.

missing nhu :'(

ANYWAY, I really really realllllly miss volleyball, I just realised. I missed spiking and receiving and diving and blocking and basically EVERYTHING. :( Which made me really really happy when we played 5h straight. Like I didn't even want to rest!!! Just keep peppering on and on and on :) And I feel that BBB improved alot idek why LOL their receiving improved!! Proud of them hehe.

And our juniors also improved alot, at least most of them can serve over the net now, which is really great. Though their skills won't be enough to win the top 4, but I'm very very sure that as long as they try their best, they would do well in the tournament :)

Since we are J3s (still really weird being called J3s), the J4s and J5s came back to play and they were really good. Didn't get to play with them which was a real shame though, since we had to play with our juniors but ohwell!! There's still chance.

Personally, I really don't know what is 'passion'. Like how do you even know if you have it? I'm the kind of person who gets bored of stuff easily, so it's really hard for me to follow through something, but for volleyball it's just different. I've been playing this since Sec 1, and there were times which I really wanted to quit/stop playing, but I still stayed. And after not playing for so long, I actually miss volleyball :(

Is this passion? I really think that volleyball has brought me far, and brought be loads of joy and sadness and anger and disappointment, but the best thing was I met loads of lovely people through this. Like in Anderson, beach volleyballers, opens, BBB, Raffles, everywhere. It's a real blessing to be able to meet all of them and I'm still so so grateful <3

And Poh Poh brought me into volleyball in Sec 1 (actually I kinda forced myself in but it's another story HAHA) and under him, I really felt like I grew alot and my world changed. I realised I didn't have to please everyone I met, learnt to have my own opinion but still accepting others, learnt to be fierce but kind, be disciplined, and so on.

Really, it's the best thing that happened to me :')

So I guess this is what led to my passion for volleyball?? It's still so abstract but I just know I love volleyball, and it's irreplaceable. And hi guys if you are reading this I love you all kay <3 No matter if we quarrel or not, or hate each other or not, we are all still going strong!!! x)))

OHOH I totally recommend playing volleyball TEHEE!!! It's a vvvvvv fun sport!!!

I guess everyone has their own passion and glad I've found mine :) Maybe (actually) I have alot more but volleyball plays a HUGEEEE role I guess LOL.

Have a nice day <3

Luv, Olliee

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