Tuesday 24 March 2015

1st part of The Southern Ridges // Sushi Tei // Childhood memories

hey ;)

Today was really really entertaining. I'll be sharing my experience on the first part of The Southern Ridges (you'll know why later HAHA) which is really really quite interesting ;)

Woke up early to meet Yv at Harbourfront MRT so that we can go Mount Faber on a hike, and the road to Mt Faber was TOUGH.


Actually I was kidding myself cause I was so sleepy my eyebags were quite bad (it's always bad but exceptionally bad today) but I am ready to be fit! So basically we climbed up the trail to the Cable Car entrance: Faber Peak, and the scenery was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. I won't spam this post with ALL my photos but I'll just show a few kay ;))

irdk what is this it looked like it's half built but actually it's done

Continued on at Faber Walk which was just mostly uphill and basically TIRING and my stamina is just so bad ._. And we were quite slow HAHAHA.


The Instagram worthy place; The couple's hideout; the step photos place; basically the everything place la. But I was actually abit disappointed at what the Bridge looked like in a whole. Like it's actually quite cool it's midair and connecting 2 trails, but from the outside it looks ugly HAHA. Ok my definition of pretty bridge is either newly constructed or very very very old--those wooden kind LOL. Aiya but here's a photo to show you how it actually looks!!!

cannot really see though

HAHA since it was a weekday late morning, there weren't many visitors there and it was virturally empty teehee!! But the inside of the Bridge is really chio no kidding. SO rustic!! No wonder it's a place for couples and couples-to-be ;) ;) ahemahem HAHAHAHAHA. (if you know what I mean) There were also newlyweds taking photos for their wedding album AHHHHHH SO SO SO CUTE HAHAHAHA <3 Happy Marriage!!!!

Anyway, we stayed there for quite a while to rest and take photos without getting judged ;) Actually we were probably judged by the few people walking past but who cares!!! x) The sun wasn't really hot from 10am-1pm and it was really cloudy (not the rainy cloudy) so I didn't get the tan I expected but it feels really comfortable :>

Then we continued on into Hilltop Walk which is a very very very crucial place cause we got lost and went back to the starting point HAHAHAHA So basically we walked a round :( And we didn't know there were more trails until we turned back across the Bridge and looked at the map :( But it was late and we were hungry and tired so we just went back Vivo to eat LOL

OHOH ONE LAST THING!! There's this Easter Egg Hunt from now till 5th April which is quite cool and we took a few pictures with a few of the eggs we saw! ;))

cute squirrel!!!
I think the lady v funny

Sushi Tei

Hungry and fickle minded people decided to eat at Sushi Tei (first time there!!) but clearly we could not afford the overpriced sushi so we just got a bowl of rice each!! Got the Negitoro Don (tuna + raw egg + rice + veggie) which was really really interesting and cheap for the price LOL. And it doesn't feel as sinful cause japanese food's quite healthy actually (minus tempura but whatever)

Yv's beef!

Negitoro Don--$10.90++ (I think)

Filled our bellies with yummy food before going on a dessert hunt -- Rive Gauche and Tai Partait and hobo-ed at Vivo rooftop.

Tai-Parfait has a 20% disc promotion for students! :>:>

Banana flavour with soft serve ice-cream

Rive Gauche has really really good omelette (actually it's a banana crepe with cream), and Crunchy Cheese Crumbs. Best to share them though cause I'll defo get gelat from eating all the cheese HAHAAH. But still so so so so so so so GOOOOOD.

omelette crepe (doesn't look good but it is!) -- $3

Crunchy Cheese Crumbs -- $6

TimeZone was basically one of my childhood memories and I don't go there anymore cause of inflation and it's around $2 for each game which is totally not worth it?!?! Remember the times when each game was $1??? It's LONGGGG gone now. But there's bumper cars in TimeZone!! Really really cool but $6 per person per ride for a small area; no thanks.

Had such a fun day with Yv at Harbourfront but we'll defo be back for Part 2 of The Southern Ridges cause we haven't finished the whole area yet ;)))

cute poodle's fur-cut

Hope youall had a wonderful day!! :>

Luv, Olliee

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