Wednesday 25 March 2015

Last minute interview clothes // SMU interview

hey ;)

Alot of things happened today, and I got to meet my friends, so I'm in a really happy mood right now. Plus honey nut flavoured granola from Sweet Home Farm for dinner (cause unemployment leads to being broke) made my day <3

Basically, as someone who almost NEVER wear formal--any formal stuff I'll just shun etc. so all my clothes are really casual and totally not suitable for interviews, especially university interviews. And since getting formal clothes is a good investment cause university confirm need, the search for formal clothes begin. OK after I got the call from SMU for my interview, I had 4 days to search for formal clothes. Sounds alot right? But procrastinator like me (and picky and super last minute kind of person) makes it even harder to find clothes. Sian I should really stop being so so so last minute but so glad to have supportive baes like BBB to help me in times of crisis and need <3

Suggestion from Es was white buttoned up top and black skirt (vvv standard but I don't care anymore) (desperate times call for desperate measures)

Most of the shops I tried scavenging (LOL) for formal interview clothes would be Pull and Bear, Bershka (all casual), G2000, Zara, Mango, F21 and Topshop. Clearly, these shops are just too ex and I can not afford them in such a short time. Saviour Qi (AHAHAHAH) came and suggested Uniqlo, which really had suitable clothes and skirts for interviews!!! And she was so so familiar with all the material she should totally get best employee award manz. Like I wanted to get this Extra Fine Cotton (EFC) shirt for $29.90 (partly since it's affordable) but got the Supima Cotton Stretch Long Sleeve shirt instead suggested by Qi. HAHAH Ok la actually I preferred the Supima one better and she said the material was more formal than EFC so I just got it!! (for $49.90)

Plus there was a discount so LUV <3

ANYWAY, no shoes too since I only had my prom shoes (sianz) which was actually ok but anyway I needed to invest in another pair of black heels for presentations in uni so might as well just get it right??? Got shoes from DMK which was quite affordable IMO (dk about quality I hope it's good) and they also have my shoe size (MOST IMPT THING HAHA) and it was quite nice so I just got it for $29.90!!

by Stylist/Photographer Qi HAHAHAH 
But anyway total I spent around $86? Quite expensive but for formal clothes where can you find the whole set for $86??? And defo gonna rewear everything for all presentations and interviews and formal stuff so still good!!! x)

Did light makeup to seem professional but didn't really have a nice photo so here's my snap HAHAHAH (actually idek if it's considered light) cause it's my first time doing makeup for something so formal so very stressful I even set aside 1h to do such simple stuff omg but quite fun actually just that it got smudged I think. The thing is interviewers won't be very close to you so they won't really notice and you can get away with it LOL. 

actually kenot rly see but can see abit diff i guess
HAHA truth is I just searched on Youtube for light makeup and watched clothesencounter's video!! Here's the link HAHA if you wanna watch! But I didn't have alot of stuff so I basically just dug out my mom's makeup stuff LOL. And skipped a few of what she applied since I didn't have anything. Aiya I guess as long as you seem decent can alr LOL. 

Anyway for SMU interview, I was quite nervous (a teeny weeny bit) but I'm not the kind to feel nervous unless it's 5min before the actual thing so I was mostly ok and psyco-ing myself that I wanna get into SMU's Information Systems so that I would be able to do well for the interview. AIYA but like I really suck at interviews so not surprising I fail it :x And I don't really have the motivation to study in SMU and my mom don't really want me to study in SMU so ohwellz!! HAHAHA 

For the IS interview, mine was a group interview, with 2 other students with me. And I was a little late cause I couldn't find the entrance to the lift and I was so lost HAHA. I didn't know there was a visitor entrance sianz. But at least Aud and Qi were there to support me and walk with me to SMU so yay luv you guys!!! <3 And luv everyone who gave me moral support!!! <3 

We were brought to the Waiting Room first and had to do a mini questionnaire about ourselves, then ans this analytical/reasoning/estimate question where they had an example so it was quite doable just that it is likely to be asked in the interview so you have to know what you wrote. And general knowledge was needed AHHAHA. I kinda forgot what was Singapore's population and just whacked 5m which was close la but so heng!!! Cause being from Raffles=if you dk such stuff cfm kena looked now one -.- My General Knowledge damn lousy sia!!! 

The interview lasted for around 30min (sounds v long but trust me, for a group interview it's not), and basically we were asked what the question requires of us and the profs were explaining to us more about the course and their students and what they have to offer etcetc. The 2 other interviewees are really really interested in SMU IS and I'm just still feeling confused about my life :( Really hope they can get in!! ;)) Cause they were really good during the interview--1 was kickstarting some business the other went through programming and I'm the only one being "err actually I wanna help NGOs more" HAHHHAHA ded. 

But ya the profs were really friendly and I didn't feel intimidated so it's good I guess? And main point is to be yourself, cause if you lie, they confirm can see through it unless you are some professional liar haha. 

Anyway, the 2 other interviewees were dressed quite formal too so ya just wear formal for interview ok you'll never go wrong with it!!!

But for makeup I'm not sure though cause the other lady didn't put make up HAHA but aiya I feel more prepared and formal with makeup so just do what you're comfortable with!! ;))

Well that interview was an experience so anyone reading this if you are going for any university interview soon good luck ok!!! Just do your best and relax :) And if you're waiting for calls from universities don't be too stressed out I'm sure you can do it!!! (Because it's really an experience you might not get again LOL)

Hope yall have a nice day :)

Luv, Olliee

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