Monday 30 March 2015

Visiting the Parliament House #rememberinglky

hey :(

So today is Black Sunday, the official day for the mourning of our late founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. There was this request going around so there were alot of people who wore black/white!! And the staff at Tampines Giant were wearing black too!! This country spirit for someone widely respected is really really heartening and clearly we can all be as one even in bad times!!! :))) I'm quite sure he'll be SUPER PROUD.

I didn't go to the State Funeral Procession since I went out and didn't even get to watch it live, so I'm still quite sad but I hope they will play it again!!! But this time I'll be talking about queueing for the Parliament House to visit Mr LKY.

City Hall MRT

Me and Cally and her friends met at 9.30pm at City Hall on Friday night and started queueing outside the MRT station. We were all prepared to queue for VVVVVV LONG. There was a really really huge crowd and loads of signs and someone on the loudhailer so we definitely WON'T get lost!! We were led to the field outside the Parliament house where there is a snaking queue, with shelters and there were many people sitting down/camping there alr since the queue was really long LOL. And since it's the 3rd day, there were food distributed to people queueing, including bread, sweet potatoes, biscuits, apples, bananas, etc, and water and drinks! Well, people there are clearly spoilt for choices which makes it sound just not suitable for the occasion, but seriously, it's the truth.

Really grateful for those who donated/volunteered to help provide food cause it's really tiring to camp the whole night in stuffy conditions :( But #forlky!!!

Night View

HAHA the thing is we didn't dare to drink water cause we didn't wanna go to the toilet but we went halfway while queueing; guess the toilets were in RELATIVELY good condition for sich a huge event, just that it was clogged -.- (naturally)

Anyway, we got into the snaking queue at around 1030pm, and then, the queue starts. We were allowed to sit down at around 12plus (I think) since I guess we had to wait for REALLY REALLY long and they actually stopped the queue alr, so people who could not get in the queue waited for the queue somewhere else, and they could only stand, which is really taxing on many :( Most of them went home though an the queue resumed at around 6.15am.

We gossiped and chatted to let time pass quickly and my phone's connection was REALLY REALLY BAD :( I couldn't even get any signal/3g and it was really quite annoying -.- but wtv, at least I can save my battery LOL. There were MPs who came by to greet Singaporeans queueing, which I feel is a really great gesture, even in the middle of the night! And there was even random parts of the crowd singing 'Home' (I really don't know how it started since we couldn't see anything) and there was also a choir (I think) too!!

But IMO time passed relatively fast by hours LOL. Every hour we were like "oh it's been an hour" or "oh it's been 3h" HAHAHA.

People got to sleep on the grass and me too so I felt more energised after a 15min nap.

6 hours later (~3.30am)

And though everyone was patient and all the graciousness of Singaporeans were shown, there were some really annoying people like this pink haired auntie who kept kpkb and complaining. The gist of it was:

"Wa eh the people at the back keep coming forward then we feel very stuffy leh and we waited for so long but we still haven't even moved yet walau so inefficient"

ok I don't know the exact words la but it's something like complaining abt why we haven't moved when the other batches are moving. (The order is that people goes in batches) And the thing is I was sleeping and her annoying voice kinda woke me up so I got really really annoyed, LIKE SERIOUSLY, IF YOU'RE HERE YOU JOLLY WELL BE PREPARED TO QUEUE STOP KPKB-ING SO MUCH YOU DON'T WANT TO QUEUE JUST GO HOME.


And the officer can't say that obv later he get fired HAHA so he was patiently trying to explain to her (and some random people who came in to add oil to fire) about how the system goes and that even if we move to another location we still have to wait so why not let everyone wait here since it's more comfortable and many people are 'settling down' alr.

Well and the officer said we have to wait at the Padang for another 3-4hours, and following that when we are moved to the Float at Marina Bay we still have to wait for another 3-4hours. Really, I might as well just wait at the Padang. Since it's night time and sleeping there won't be weird LOL.



FINALLY we got to leave the padang, and head towards the float. But the journey there was long since we had to take a really long detour, then do a snake queue at the Float (at least it was a moving queue :))) ) then walk one big round before exiting the Float HAHHAH. OK la quite orderly!!! Then families with kids and the elderly were asked to move to the express lane :))) At least they got to go there!!

The express lane was supposed to be for elderly above 60 years old and families with kids under 6yo, so I guess these were families with kids >6yo LOL

Then we continued walking and the night scenery was REALLY CHIO!!!

At this point I was so so so tired that I was falling asleep while walking and like my eyes kept closing and I just totally felt like sleeping there immediately LOL. But no, I will persevere!!! :)))



the officer!!!
There was this officer who stopped us and said:

"You all have reached the final lap!! Thank you for queueing for so long!! I know all of you are tired but this is the last 20min alr you all are going to reach the Parliament House soon!!!"

WOW I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN I HEARD THAT!!! 20min sounds alot, but if you compare 20min with 10h, it makes ME HAPPY. And we even thought we had to wait till 9am before going in so I was a really really happy girl hehe <3

After this tunnel we will reach!!

our shag faces vvvvvv shag sorry 
Finally reached the Security Clearance and we had to get our bags checked for security purposes.

After getting in

Ok, so it was already morning when we got in, and it's all bright and we had to take a mandatory selfie after waiting 10h!!! Alot of people were there taking photos, ok not suitable for the occasion again IMO but seriously, we queued for REALLY DAMN LONG. I think this kinda justifies it la :)))

Inside, it was really fast. No photography (RESPECT PLS) ya, but we all had to move quickly, so just bow and leave :( There were 5 officers around the coffin and I could tell they were really really tired they can't even leave/take a break!!! :((( I salute them!! And I even heard one of them cried and someone came to help him wipe his tears. And since I was really really tired, I didn't have any emotions inside, just gratefulness, but the thing is after I really thought about it, I was really really sad about everything :(

I respect him alot and going to miss seeing his face on tv/national day parades!!

 #RIPLKY Thanks for everything you've done for Singapore (and during this period) hope you finally have a proper rest :)

Luv, Olliee

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