Monday 16 March 2015

NUS Open Day 2015

hey ;)

Went NUS open house with Dong after sleeping over at her house, and met her sister for a while before seeing Lee Ying and dragged her along to walk around with me :))) Thanks!! <3

NUS is HUGEEEE. We took a cab and got a little lost since we went past the halls instead of going to uTown LOL. But anyway, the campus is really really pretty IMO and after experiencing NUS open house, I would feel even sadder if I can't get in NUS :(

Most of the faculties and clubs all had booths in uTown, and everyone was very onz about it. And since we went there quite late (around 1plus), I saw more of my Secondary school friends than people from RJ! x) Since Lee Ying was helping to promote KE7 hall, I dropped by to know more and the people there are so friendly!!! :)) Especially when I went to the Computing faculty to know more about CS, they were all so friendly hehe I felt really really welcomed!! (even though I wasn't even sure if I could get in LOL) BUT WTV LA I'll still try my best to get in!! :)) Talked to a few more seniors about uni life, and CS and hall and studying and enjoying and I felt like I really really really can't wait for uni?!?! I know I've been saying this again and again and again but I just can't seem to elaborate how much I'm excited for uni well enough. OK maybe I'm excited to go for camps and orientation and not look forward to studying, but IMO I really feel like my brain is dying and rotting from not learning anything omg. PLUS I am UNEMPLOYED but good thing is I get to enjoy my life!!! WEW WEW

There was also a flash mob done by KE7 hall for publicity which was REALLY COOL!!! I love watching dances LOL. Wa I really wanna join/learn dance in uni omg but I have no background at all sianjipua no skillz can't join :( Maybe in the end I'll just join volleyball in the end but I'm also not that good lol AIYA WHATEVER!!!!

Main point is to get into a uni first!!!! :))))

Yeap, nua-ed around somemore thinking of what to do with Lee Ying cause I really have NOTHING to do and I refused to go home alone :( (ok it's my problem but like aiya sian) so we just sat in the aircon canteen and chatted randomly while waiting for my dad LOL. Wa I felt really bad taking up her time sia :((( SORRY but THANK YOU!!! <3

Disoriented me from the previous night made me really tired and unable to think well, and not feeling my usual self HAHA. Like I'm just so quiet and getting lost in my own thoughts so quickly and even losing track of conversations ._. Sigh but aiya open house was really fun!!!!

Learnt so much more about the courses I'm interested in and hall life and ccas and THEY HAVE SO MUCH FOOD IN UTOWN LIKE SUBWAY, WENDY'S ETC! :d yumz

Actually I'm more into subway wew wew hehehehe.

Oh and did I mention there was free ice cream too?!?! HAHA

Overall a really really fun day <3 seeing random people but oh-so-tired when I went home I crashed immediately after eating LOL. ;))

Anyway, finally submitted my application for NUS, really hope I'm able to get into NUS!! :)) I don't mind going under DA too pl0x :(

Luv, Olliee

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