Saturday 27 December 2014

20 Things I Learnt the Year I Turned 18

heyy ;))

Got inspired to write this post after reading Maii Sabilano's "20 things I learned the year I turned 18", and wanted to do my own take of what I learnt the year I turned 18 ;) You can read her's here!!

1. Grades do not define who you are. This is most important thing I've learnt this year, since I've just finished my GCE A levels. Studying for it was mad. I've definitely failed many subjects in school. There were times I tried giving up. There were times I cried. There were times I was so depressed I even had suicidal thoughts. There were times when I felt so alone. But everything ended and I'm out of that phase now. My life is back to normal, and it might have been even better :)

2. Always have a back-up plan. I'm not trying to say you're not good enough for anything. It's just life has this annoying way of thrashing your plans and ruining them. Always be flexible and keep an open mind. Just cause you can't do what you want doesn't mean your life would be ruined. It actually makes you stronger.


3. Being 18 means you are legal for MANY THINGS. M18 movies. Blood donation without parental consent. Clubbing. Purchasing of alcoholic drinks.

4. But this also makes you even more responsible for yourself. Overnight, you would have just turned from an 'underage teenager' to a 'legal teenager'. Still a teenager. THANK GOD. Clearly you can get away with many things without parental consent, but you still have to maintain, BRAH.

5. Never compare yourself with others. We are all made differently and that's what makes you special. "You are born an original, don't die a copy."

6. Looks actually do matter. I'm not even joking. You can deny whatsoever but it's just true. Everyone's materialistic. But looks are also subjective. For the record, I don't think anyone's ugly ;)

7. Character and attitude 'changes' people's physical appearances. You can be gorgeous but if you have an ugly heart, you're basically just plain ugly. You can be normal looking but if you have a huge heart, you're GORGEOUS.

8. Be truthful. Being honest might actually make some people hate you, but you can prevent awkwardness by being truthful. You can actually be even closer to your friends just by being honest :) If you don't look good in that dress, YOU DON'T.

9. Inform. Growing up in a strict environment (I can't really say it's strict, but I guess my parents will be unhappy if I stay out after 10pm last time), I've actually learnt that satisfying what your parents want from you allows you to do more. As long as I tell them I'll be back late/having a sleepover/going out, they're fine with it. Also maybe I'm 18.

10. Spend time with your family. That's what I've been neglecting since young, as I didn't really like to be associated with my family in the past. (mean but that's true) JIO your mum/dad/bro to a one-to-one lunch/dinner session. It really improves your bond, and you might not have to pay for the meal hehe ;))

11. Being awkward is something you feel. If you keep in mind you're not awkward, you're not. I rely on people's company but sometimes it's still awkward to make new friends. One important thing I've learnt is: just overcome your awkwardness. Push it to the back of your head and be nice :)

12. Accept your gender. Since young I've been constantly told that I should have been a guy but before I came out Heaven decided to change me into a girl instead, BUT WHO GIVES A FUCK.Girl, guy, whatever. Being a girl has it's merits too. It's like you can do everything.

13. Learn to wear a dress/skirt. This is like the ANOTHER SUPER IMPORTANT THING I'VE LEARNT. The last time I willingly wore a dress was for Sec 4 prom, but this year I wore a dress for my cousin's wedding, and for JC prom, and club. I've always felt dresses wasn't for me, and I rarely attend parties in the past, so there wasn't a need. But guess I need to learn now!

14. Also learn make-up. It's the most important thing a girl ever needs. And eye makeup is the most important, following concealers. LOL. Ever since I did my own make up for prom it was so much fun I got a little addicted ... ._.

15. Always have different types of clothes in your closet. It's good for emergencies.

16. Clubbing is fun. ok I sound like some mad clubber but I only went there a few times, and I really love the environment - the music, dance, people, drinks, everything.

17. Friends do care. Love from all my friends <3

18. Don't be judgemental. And don't bother about judgemental people. Do what you like and don't give a shit about  how others think about you.

19. Get advice from older people, you don't have to heed them, but just keep it in mind. 

20. HAVE FUN. Just, do what you love and GO ALL OUT AND HAVE FUN.

[caption id="attachment_520" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_9004 So what have you learnt?[/caption]

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