Friday 12 December 2014

Olliee in Penang // Day 3 // Air Itam // Cheesecake // Snake Temple

Hey ;))
It's already Day 3 in Penang and I really wish time would slow down. In a flash I will be back in Singapore, relaxing but facing reality already.
Just gotta enjoy to the fullest! Had a really good sleep last night, and practically woke up early feeling SUPER energized. Probably because I drank less coffee at night HAHAHAA.

Anyway, went Air Itam for breakfast and shopped abit there. Roti Canai there was GOOODDDDD. And if you don't know, Roti Prata in Malaysia is called Roti Canai, and actually I prefer this name 😊







Bought a few clothes there at really cheap prices, like this army buttoned chiffon shirt for 23RM and another cropped chiffon button down for 25RM. They're really pretty ❤️

Went to Kek Lok Si after, it's a Buddhist temple with a really huge Guan Yin statue there. But it was 11am in the morning so it's REALLY HOT and you can actually feel the UV rays piercing through your skin.🔪 Took only a few photos there since it was really too hot to handle 😢


IMG_2068.JPGain't the view pretty ❤️

Headed back to Old Chow Thye after but I couldn't do anything since they didn't need my help :(((( so my job was just to drink coffee, eat cheesecake, and entertain my ahma. HAHA I'm not even joking I didn't even get to serve customers 😭 but I really wanna try being a waitress or barista, so I guess I'll look for that kind of jobs when I return to Singapore!



IMG_2081.JPGApple and Pineapple juice with sour plum: I LURVEEEEE THIS NO KIDDING it is THAT good.

IMG_2082.JPGRaspberry and Oreo a Cheesecake! Had to satisfy my sweet tooth cravings, but too much cheesecake makes me feel sick though LOL. If you're a fan of cheesecakes you should really try this!! 😉

IMG_2080.JPGOmelette with Mayonnaise and Ketchup

IMG_2079.JPGMango shreds(?)


IMG_2074.JPGBubur Pulut Hitam (black glutinous rice pudding)

IMG_2075.JPGRoasted Hazelnut Latte ❤️

IMG_2084.JPG3 layer coffee

Snake Temple


Snake Temple was next, with MANY MANY MANY SNAKES. Didn't really like snakes so I didn't take any photos with it ._.

IMG_2055.JPGThis little puppy was roaming around there, IT'S SO CUTE!! 😍 but he tried biting my shoe 😑

There was also this tour, and they were actually showing a python strangling a chicken, A LIVE CHICKEN. You can actually hear the wails of the chicken and I cried a little inside for them ;(( Although hearing that chickens get eaten by Python is nothing, (at least in my case), but it's really different when you actually get to witness the real thing in person. Their fate is really sad 😢😢😢

Showcase of the King Cobra:




IMG_2048.JPGI was actually fearing for the guy's life when he kissed the cobra LOL but I applaud him for his bravery 👏👏

IMG_2047-0.JPGJust love this tortoise cos' he was just chillin' out 🐢

Dinner was at some random kopitiam which had really good food!!


IMG_2078.JPGKuay Teow Thng 👍👍👍

IMG_2077.JPGPopiah: didn't really like it though :(((


We ordered a lot more but didn't have the chance to take photos so let's just leave it at that!! 😉

Another really fun day today, which loads of disgusting snakes and amazing food and travel ❤️ Truth is, I really can't wait for tomorrow but at the same time wishing for it not to be here 😢


Luv, Olliee

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