Monday 8 December 2014

First time working: Expo Promoter


For the last 3 days I've been working as a promoter in Expo in Baby Baby, which is one of the few baby fairs held frequently in a year in Singapore. I didn't work after O levels as I went overseas, and the timing was so odd that I couldn't even get any job since most robs require a fixed workday/commitment. Which was why I kind of enjoyed my post Os holidays slacking around being a hobo and hanging out with my friends.

The pay wasn't that bad, which was market rate, at $8/h, and it's quite good considering the fact that I have totally NO experience in the working sector. (LOL) Basically what I had to do was to stand there and try to promote a product for 11am -9pm (10h). There wasn't any fixed lunch break or whatsoever so I could go and eat whenever I wanted to. BUT the food there was EXPENSIVE and not theta nice so I just settled with Subway and Coffee Bean for all 3 days. The people working at the booth together was really nice, so we got along quite well and I even got random advice from them ;)) (since they're all mothers)

There were clearly tactics to being a promoter and being persuasive and being able to sell, and I wouldn't choose hard-selling since personally I kinda hate that x(

Another thing was, since I was working with another person, we had to go and eat alternately. BUT it means I have to eat alone, and I HATE eating alone. I'd rather not eat than eat alone outside LOL. So dependent but really, I have no idea why. But ofc I'd get really hungry and there's no choice and I'll just have to use my phone while eating to keep my mind off :'(( But <3 my friends for chatting with my while I was eating hehe LOVE U!!!

Day 1

I was feeling really stressed out and scared that I couldn't make it, or even sell anything. Initially, I was so JITTERY. Like, I couldn't even speak properly and I wasn't that familiar with the product actually LOL. Luckily my colleague was there to guide me through and help me along so it was still an amazing experience nonetheless ;))

BABIES WERE ALL AROUND TOO. SO CUTEEEEE. <3 I was LITERALLY spazzing over the babies and toddlers hehe! The crowd volume was really really small, so we couldn't sell anything :( Actually maybe cause it's a Friday and most parents are still working/haven't ended work yet!

Time passed really slowly at the start though, and I was counting time by money. So like, at 12pm I went "YAY 8 BUCKS" then at 1230 I went "YAY 12 BUCKS" and so on. HAHAHA

MY LEGS WERE DYING WHEN I REACHED HOME NO JOKE. After bathing I just laid on my bed like a zombie and slept immediately. (after blogging HAHA)

Day 2


MY LEGS WERE SO SORE. I was so reluctant to even get out of bed, but I still have to :'(( And Brenda was going for AFA and I'M SO JEALOUS!! But working is to pay off my prom debt (which actually in truth, this whole job couldn't even pay off my prom debt :( ) Saturday was better, with a larger crowd and we actually managed to sell off 3 products. Which was quite an amazing feat, considering the fact that the product had even BETTER competitors. \ -.- /

It was FREEZING in the morning too cause it was raining :( But I'd rather it be cold than hot HAHA


[caption id="attachment_279" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_8267 Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Truffle Ice Blended (you can't really see it HAHA)[/caption]

Though I was working alone, the people there were really nice and would just chat with me whenever there wasn't anyone there ;)

Went home with really sore legs too :(( Maybe it was cause I wore the wrong pair of shoes.

[caption id="attachment_273" align="aligncenter" width="225"] CUTE RIGHT[/caption]

Day 3

[caption id="attachment_280" align="aligncenter" width="169"]IMG_8268 Mocha Ice Blended[/caption]

Legs not sore anymore (maybe cause I got used to it) but I wore my sports shoes there which was PERFECT. But I kept fidgeting since it was really fun to walk around in sports shoes, hehe. Sold 2 products at least, really happy and satisfied!! Plus we even took photos with Clifford!! It was really hilarious how all of us just went to take photos with Clifford ^^




I also bought freeze dried fruit chips from another booth, which is really expensive, but they were selling in packs (I really dk if it's considered cheap LOL).

Work ended early and packing up was a BREEZE. Maybe cause we didn't bring a lot of products and we just had to keep a few stuff. There was also a book fair at the other hall so I went to take a look and IT WAS SO HARD TO FIND BOOKS. But they were having a last day promotion:10 for $40 so NATURALLY I'll be there to get my books right!!! HEHE

Took a whole hour just trying to scan through the books there, and I nearly went crossed eyed LOL.

Nevertheless, working was really quite fun especially when the people you work with are really nice and fun to get along ;)) And I WANT MY MONEYYYY. Need to work more to pay off prom debt :( But I'll treat my parents to something since it's my first pay in my whole entire life!

[caption id="attachment_278" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_8266 selfie in the toilet because I can HURHUR[/caption]

Time for some nua-ing session at home <3

Luv, Olliee
Work work work

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