Heyy ;))
Another day just ended here in Penang, and today was a lot more fun ❤️ Went to Jelutong market again, and ate MY LOVE. Ok that sounds wrong but yes Chee Cheong fun! It was sold out at the kopitiam so my aunt went somewhere else to dabao for me which was even better 😋 THANKSSSS

Bought really cheap hobo pants at the market too, FINALLY MY OWN PAIR ❤️❤️ pains of being tall, there was actually this pair which I really liked, but it was too short for me 😢 OH AND COSWAY HAD REALLY CUTE-SHAPED PASTA. I HAD TO GET IT ☺️

My cousin also bought this really DARN GOOD CINNAMON BUN (idk from where) which had loads of raisins and was a lot sweeter than the other one I ate. But the thing is it's REALLY expensive, like 4.50RM per piece, compared to the other one which was only 1.50RM per piece. 😢 manz.

My Voice Cafe

HUGE BOWL NOODLES. HUGE. MAJORLY HUGE. LEGITLY HUGE. Actually, it's just the bowl. But it IS HUGE. The shop's near Queensbay Mall and it took us quite a while to get there. We had 7 people, and there weren't enough seats, so we had to wait outside in the HOT SUN ☀️

But anyway, there was a pianist inside AND THE MUSIC WAS JUST AWESOME. I really loved the music and it's just so cool having a live performance while eating 😉 But listening to her I really miss playing the piano :((( guess I'll play the piano when I go back to SG HEHE!!!

Actually Imo, the meat wasn't really good. It was really really chewy (too chewy actually) and it was really hard to break :((( I guess it's really cool cause of the bowl though. Well, it's to individual taste!! Another thing is, one bowl is REALLY HUGE. We couldn't even finish 2 bowls. So I guess youall just estimate how many bowls you wanna buy! 😉
DASRIGHT, THE TITLE SAYS IT ALL. It was really cool, since my cousin-in-law went to the hospital at around 5 plus in the morning and gave birth at 2.48pm. And naturally we went to the hospital to visit both of them ❤️
THEIR BABY WAS SOOOOO CUTE!!!!! Ahhhhh omg I cannot stand the cuteness 😍😍😍 There was this really small baby, one with a lot of hair, and long(tall) ones HAHAHHA

James Foo Western Food
DINNER TIME CAUSE I WAS HUNGRY. Even though I ate noodles like 4h ago only but anything for cheap western food ❤️ Had Holland Fish which had cheese, ham and pineapples, but I really hated the fish :((( it wasn't dory fish at all and I wasn't only a tad disappointed, I WAS TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED. But whatever, the jumbo longan ice made my dinner better ❤️

Ok Sua I am so done for today had an intense talk with my breed HAHAHAH but at least there's someone who is the same as me hehe ❤️❤️ JIAYOU DONT GIVE UP OK
Can't wait for what's in store for me tmr!
Luv, Olliee
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