Wednesday 24 December 2014

Cafe: Park // Cafe: Sunday Folks

Been a long while since I've updated my blog, so I guess I should do some justice to this ;)


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Went to Park a week ago with my beach ball babes(Nhu was missed :'( ) after slack volleyball training for lunch, and since it's my virgin experience, guess I'll just write a little about it. Park is a really small cafe (IMO) in Holland Village, just right outside HV MRT. But the thing is, the stuff there is NOT CHEAP. Well, it's usual cafe price I guess, but I really needed to save money so I was on a really tight budget, especially when we're going to Sunday Folks next.

We got the indoor seats since it was a Wednesday afternoon and probably there isn't much people. But I'm still really happy since there was aircon and indoor seats are the best.

[caption id="attachment_486" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Better photo after 892347236478926 times Better photo after 892347236478926 times[/caption]

Shared a meal with Alison to cut the cost but the food was still good! I love the bacon especially omg <3

[caption id="attachment_487" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Eggs Benedict Eggs Benedict[/caption]

We could hog the seats for really really long since there wasn't many customers there, probably another 2 more tables were occupied? And we also had to wait for Sunday Folks to open which was at 4pm. So we just had a long chat and it's been so long since I've hung out with them, it was really really so much fun!! x) and we even got to catch up with one another ^^

The waitresses and waiters were really nice and kept refilling out drinks even though we didn't buy anything anymore. The iced water was also infused with orange so its really addictive HAHAHA

Well anyway I guess if you go during the peak period you'll have to queue for really long, since its really small with limited seating, and plus if you add the time they take to cook the dishes, serve, eat, chat and stuff, you might find yourself waiting for around an hour or more.  (maybe) ;)

Sunday FolksIMG_8970

It was POURING when we started making our way to Sunday Folks. You can actually feel the cold wind and rainwater slapping on you. Sunday Folks is supposed to be a 5-10 min walk from HV MRT, but it's on the opposite exit of the MRT so we had to take the underpass. Actually it's really near, just cross a mini carpark and walk along the corridor and you'll see it. ITS. JUST. THE. RAIN. By the time we reached Sunday Folks we were totally drenched, even though we were sharing umbrellas. Even my shorts was wet HAHAHA I felt like I peed in my pants LOL. Reached there at 3.45pm and they still weren't open yet so we had to make 'walk-in reservations' to be in the queue. Sunday Folks was huge actually. A lot bigger than Creamier which we went once, so it can accommodate a lot more people. BUT. It's really popular. We were the first few to arrive so we didn't have to queue much, but after eating, there was this long queue outside the shop, even though it was drizzling.



They only had 6 different selections of ice-cream (really small:( ) but the good thing is we didn't have to take a lot of time choosing HAHAH. We shared 2 plates of waffles with ice cream- Pistachio and Earl Grey flavoured, and 2 cakes: Matcha cake and chocolate ganache cake

[caption id="attachment_488" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_8969 Matcha cake and chocolate ganache cake[/caption]


I understand why people go GAGA over this. The ice-cream was realllllyyyyy good. (since I really like both flavours) and the waffles. Was just plain fantastic. I don't even know how to describe it??? Well I have a really sweet tooth so these kind of stuff is MAH BAE <3

[caption id="attachment_493" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_8848 Pistachio ice-cream[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_498" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_8971 earl grey ice-cream[/caption]

The cakes were really good too, especially the matcha cake. But don't eat both the matcha cake and chocolate cake together, cause the chocolate flavour would overpower the matcha flavour, then it would be really hard to taste the matcha :( MY MISTAKE. But they're really really good individually!! ;)))


Now that I think of it it's a cafe hopping day ;))

Sharing food at cafes is really fun since you get to share the cost and share the food and share the calories and share everything HAHAHA.


Definitely going back to these places again, but only after I have earned enough money HAHA it's really burning my pocket :(((

Luv, Olliee <3

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