Monday 29 December 2014

Neighbour moving // Potluck // REVEALATIONS

heyy ;))

[Realised I forgot to post it since it was kept as a draft so I guess I'll just schedule it back hehe cheating but WHO CARES]

Sooooo my neighbour moved this morning :(( Really gonna miss them so much!! They were such nice people and then they moved :( They've been here since I moved here, which was what, around >11 years already! And their kids are really cute hehe seen them grow from kindergarten to Primary school and guess they're leaving! :( Regretted not spending more time with them, hanging out with them and stuff. BETTER CHERISH YOUR NEIGHBOURS!!!


Went to June's house for a mini potluck for dinner, and a horrible cook like me can only bring popcorn chicken HAHA. We had spaghetti (that looks like beehoon) and carrot cake from Megan (HAHA but it's really good pasta don't get deceived by its looks), sushi from Zhen, salad and chicken from Zeng, fruits and drinks from June, biscuits from Char and ice cream from Jo. EVERYTHING WAS DAMN GOOD LA. ALL OF U CAN BE DOMESTIC HOUSEWIVES ALR (if you're reading this).

And pls I never knew they read my blog hi guys!

ANYWAY, caught up on each other's lives and I realised how much I've been lagging behind HURHUR. it was basically just awesome being with them talking about rubbish and bullshitting and burning and no aloe vera provided. LOL. And all of them have such HUGGGEEEEE secrets I'm just like ________.

HAHA. YALA guess I'll have to tae back what I said eariler in the year and be nice LOL. So glad to have them as one of my closet bunch in JC :')

Wanted to join them for sleepover but sianz cannot go BUT I WILL GO NEXT TIME WOOT.

(Anyway photos not by me cause I forgot to take any hehe)

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[caption id="attachment_551" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_9061 Finally a normal photo (kidding this was the very first photo we took HAHA)[/caption]

Another thing is I finally realised how candid photos were taking LOL. It's actually quite funny HAHAHA

Last Sunday of the year spent with them; HAPPY AND EXCITED. Can't wait for another outing!!! ;)))

Luv, Olliee

Sunday 28 December 2014

Genki Sushi


Went to Genki Sushi with my mum at Orchard Central today since I was craving for sushi and she wanted to try something new. Afraid of the lunch crowd, we went there at 11.30am, and expected a mini queue but surprisingly, it was quite empty, so we were offered a seat immediately. ;))

Genki Sushi is special such that it delivers your sushi in a train, so it's really cute and interesting! You order your sushi using the iPad at the table which is really easy to use and they have quite a few designs for the train, including Astro boy!x)

[caption id="attachment_524" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_9032 Our food came in this train[/caption]

To have green tea, they have a mini containter with green tea powder on the table, and they'll pass you a cup, which you have to make green tea yourself. CLEARLY I suck at making green tea since my green tea was a little too bitter. But it wasn't THAT bad. I usually put 2 spoonfuls (spoon from inside the container) and fill it up with hot water :)


Their sushi's priced between $1.80 (only a few) to $3.80 (i think) so personally it's quite expensive (based on my financial status). Another thing is since we are already at an atas/expensive sushi restaurant, we might as well just order specially flavoured sushis, to make it more worth it. (usually I wouldn't recommend getting tamago sushi unless you're on the hunt for the best tamago sushi in town) LOL

[caption id="attachment_525" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_9033 Some of the few plates of sushi we ordered[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_526" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Fermented soybeans: $1.80 AND I HATED IT IT WAS SO BAD try at your own risk!!! Fermented soybeans: $1.80 AND I HATED IT IT WAS SO BAD try at your own risk!!![/caption]

Loved their sashimi sushi and lobster salad ones x)))

[caption id="attachment_534" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Smoked duck sushi Smoked duck sushi[/caption]

This wasn't that bad either if you like duck ;)

[caption id="attachment_535" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_9036 Lobster I think!![/caption]


IMG_9037 IMG_9026 IMG_9029

OH AND ANOTHER THING. If you order 8 plates you'll get to draw a mini lottery and you may have the chance to get a free plate of sushi or 10% discount off your total bill! But we didn't get it :((( TOO BAD!! But total cost for the both of us was around $31, so basically this isn't that expensive! And we even ate till we were full HEHE.

They also sell other Japanese food so do take a look!! :))


My friend taught me that if you wanna eat raw meat, order Chirashi Don; it's cheaper that way and you can even try different raw meat AND if you can't finish the rice then don't finish LOL.

WELL yea, I'll definitely recommend Genki Sushi, it's really really good, just don't choose the wrong ones HAHA. And it's a really good place to eat with kids since the trains are really cute ;))

Just don't go during peak hours like lunch or dinner or you might have to end up queueing for VERY LONG.


Luv, Olliee

Genki Sushi (Orchard)

Opening hours: 11.30am - 10.00pm

Orchard Central, 181 Orchard Road


Nearest MRT: Somerset


Saturday 27 December 2014

20 Things I Learnt the Year I Turned 18

heyy ;))

Got inspired to write this post after reading Maii Sabilano's "20 things I learned the year I turned 18", and wanted to do my own take of what I learnt the year I turned 18 ;) You can read her's here!!

1. Grades do not define who you are. This is most important thing I've learnt this year, since I've just finished my GCE A levels. Studying for it was mad. I've definitely failed many subjects in school. There were times I tried giving up. There were times I cried. There were times I was so depressed I even had suicidal thoughts. There were times when I felt so alone. But everything ended and I'm out of that phase now. My life is back to normal, and it might have been even better :)

2. Always have a back-up plan. I'm not trying to say you're not good enough for anything. It's just life has this annoying way of thrashing your plans and ruining them. Always be flexible and keep an open mind. Just cause you can't do what you want doesn't mean your life would be ruined. It actually makes you stronger.


3. Being 18 means you are legal for MANY THINGS. M18 movies. Blood donation without parental consent. Clubbing. Purchasing of alcoholic drinks.

4. But this also makes you even more responsible for yourself. Overnight, you would have just turned from an 'underage teenager' to a 'legal teenager'. Still a teenager. THANK GOD. Clearly you can get away with many things without parental consent, but you still have to maintain, BRAH.

5. Never compare yourself with others. We are all made differently and that's what makes you special. "You are born an original, don't die a copy."

6. Looks actually do matter. I'm not even joking. You can deny whatsoever but it's just true. Everyone's materialistic. But looks are also subjective. For the record, I don't think anyone's ugly ;)

7. Character and attitude 'changes' people's physical appearances. You can be gorgeous but if you have an ugly heart, you're basically just plain ugly. You can be normal looking but if you have a huge heart, you're GORGEOUS.

8. Be truthful. Being honest might actually make some people hate you, but you can prevent awkwardness by being truthful. You can actually be even closer to your friends just by being honest :) If you don't look good in that dress, YOU DON'T.

9. Inform. Growing up in a strict environment (I can't really say it's strict, but I guess my parents will be unhappy if I stay out after 10pm last time), I've actually learnt that satisfying what your parents want from you allows you to do more. As long as I tell them I'll be back late/having a sleepover/going out, they're fine with it. Also maybe I'm 18.

10. Spend time with your family. That's what I've been neglecting since young, as I didn't really like to be associated with my family in the past. (mean but that's true) JIO your mum/dad/bro to a one-to-one lunch/dinner session. It really improves your bond, and you might not have to pay for the meal hehe ;))

11. Being awkward is something you feel. If you keep in mind you're not awkward, you're not. I rely on people's company but sometimes it's still awkward to make new friends. One important thing I've learnt is: just overcome your awkwardness. Push it to the back of your head and be nice :)

12. Accept your gender. Since young I've been constantly told that I should have been a guy but before I came out Heaven decided to change me into a girl instead, BUT WHO GIVES A FUCK.Girl, guy, whatever. Being a girl has it's merits too. It's like you can do everything.

13. Learn to wear a dress/skirt. This is like the ANOTHER SUPER IMPORTANT THING I'VE LEARNT. The last time I willingly wore a dress was for Sec 4 prom, but this year I wore a dress for my cousin's wedding, and for JC prom, and club. I've always felt dresses wasn't for me, and I rarely attend parties in the past, so there wasn't a need. But guess I need to learn now!

14. Also learn make-up. It's the most important thing a girl ever needs. And eye makeup is the most important, following concealers. LOL. Ever since I did my own make up for prom it was so much fun I got a little addicted ... ._.

15. Always have different types of clothes in your closet. It's good for emergencies.

16. Clubbing is fun. ok I sound like some mad clubber but I only went there a few times, and I really love the environment - the music, dance, people, drinks, everything.

17. Friends do care. Love from all my friends <3

18. Don't be judgemental. And don't bother about judgemental people. Do what you like and don't give a shit about  how others think about you.

19. Get advice from older people, you don't have to heed them, but just keep it in mind. 

20. HAVE FUN. Just, do what you love and GO ALL OUT AND HAVE FUN.

[caption id="attachment_520" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_9004 So what have you learnt?[/caption]

Friday 26 December 2014

MERRY CHRISTMAS // F. Club // Giving presents


This year is kinda the first year I've celebrated Christmas? Not exactly celebrate, but at least there's like gift exchanges and parties and stuff, so it's gonna be a memorable one ;)

Christmas eve started off really badly, I was just lazing around at home watching Sex and the City which was HILARIOUS. But well, night time was the fun part ;)


Went with Viv and her girlfriends at around 11pm to this bar at Somerset, called KPO, which one of her friends knew people there and they treated us to food and drinks. Their fried pork and wasabi prawns and satay was JUST AMAZING. Legit. I didn't really like their ketupat though :(( Other than that all's really good! The people there were really nice, especially the DJ, and the servers. Had some champagne which was really really good, to try and be a little 'high'.


IMO champagne tastes like carbonated drink. Just in grape flavour. LOL.

Wanted to go Zouk, but the queue was just MAD. I don't even know how people can dance inside when it's this crowded? So we went to instead at Clarke Quay, right beside Chupitos. I never knew it was a club though. And the club front looks really really small, but inside, IT'S HUGE. Smaller than Zouk but still HUGE. It had 2 dance floors side by side with bars in there.


We also had to queue for half an hour before getting in, so imagine the time you'll spend waiting at Zouk.

At clubs, you'll meet all sorts of weird people. Not even joking. But anything that happens in a club stays in a club ok.

ANYWAY, I think I got a little drunk? Since I got free drinks from another guy and I was a little high.. :( SIAN I should really control!!! And I really can't believe I cannot remember some stuff. Bit scary but it's true ._. I think I followed this guy out of the club BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WHY.

Anyway, really nice for Kaying to let me crash her house after clubbing ;) But it's really funny how clubbing let's you make friends much more easily HAHA. And I nearly puked. LOL Nearly. But no I didn't hehe so thank god ^^

Slept in till 1pm at her house before going home.

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[caption id="attachment_511" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_8976 this photo shows a random guy at the back who talked to us just to be able to cut the queue and I don't remember his name[/caption]


My mum got her iPhone 6 which she was really excited about, and I had to help her set up her phone and stuff. And I finally understood the meaning of 'the joy of giving'.

Well I'm not a Christian but if I had gift exchanges with my friends I don't think that it's nice for me not to give to my family, so I got gifts for them. And I just gave my bro this Garena card since he's this game addict. -.- I couldn't even be bothered to wrap the presents though since it'll be weird to wrap a Garena card HAHA

But IDK, I think they were really happy? And I was really happy too. AIYA CHEESY I KNOW. teehee.

Went Seletar Mall with my mum to shop and look around, and dropped by to find Ying Jie. HAHA It's really sad to be working but ohwell!! Had dinner with her since she would usually eat alone. But isn't it really sad to eat alone? Personally I really won't eat alone unless theres a need to. So if I'm not hungry during lunch I won't eat if I'm alone :(

But at least Ying Jie doesnt have to eat dinner alone on Christmas Day!! x))

Right now just slacking, enjoying my life with my computer, and feeling ALL RECHARGED. (I actually think going out is how I recharge, instead of staying at home) It's like, if you stay at home too much you'll OVER CHARGE?? LIKE A BATTERY.

OMG that was a really good analogy.

ok kidding.

See you again! ;))

Luv, Olliee

Wednesday 24 December 2014

The fault in our highly connected age


I know it's Christmas Eve but I really want to get this off my mind right now, so I guess it's somewhat like a rant? But maybe yes, maybe no. And its at this timing cause it's not targeted to anyone hehe

1. Last minute cancelled plans

When plans get cancelled at the very last minute, it often suddenly leaves you in a state of emptiness. That's me, for sure. And especially when it's something you've been looking forward to for a while, the disappointment just gets even worse. But who can I blame? Is it the highly connected society we live in?

Smartphones are everywhere, being used by the young and old, working or jobless, anyone who desires to be part of the community. From time to time, we have some people who owns a normal phone. It's really brave of them, and actually I do envy them sometimes. But when a plan gets cancelled at the very last minute, like maybe, on the day itself, just through a simple text:

"I'm sorry I have ______ so I can't make it today!"

Though it might be true that the person is really really apologetic, you just can't help but feel really disappointed. And I'm guilty of that too, so I can't blame others.

And another thing is, WhatsApp. It requires the use of 3G/4G, but if the person did not turn on their mobile data, and it's been sent through WA, that would turn out really really bad. OK that's like the worst case scenario HAHA. But you get what I mean. In the past, plans means plans. You can't just cancel them whenever you want unless the other person is fine with it. (But actually the other person is usually disappointed. USUALLY. ;) )

2. Meeting times get pushed back. And back. And back.

Everyone is guilty of this. ALMOST everyone. People are never early/on time for casual outings. There would always be this one person who would go:

"I'm sorry I _________! I'll be here in ______ time!"

And everyone has to wait for the person. I do that quite often too. But it's really my own fault for not planning my time well. The sense of punctuality in people is getting lower. Being 15 min late is considered 'punctual'.

But what if we don't have our phones? The early person would have to be waiting like some dumb dude standing there not knowing what time his friends would arrive.

3. Everything happens over messaging. EVERYTHING.

Messaging removes the dread of face-to-face contact. (maybe for some haha) Especially when the matter is quite serious, it prevents yourself from looking at the other person's expressions/reaction. Apologies, confessions, breakups, making friends, can all happen through messaging. Personally, I guess it's kinda insincere? These kind of things are S E R I O U S. And settling it through messaging? You've got a death wish dear.

Small talk through messaging is also quite fun, and the thing is, you reply only when you're free. So if you're not, the conversation can even drag for hours, or days. LOL. It's really funny if you think about it but it happens!

Oh and another thing. HAHA. Since we are all living in this society everything we do is due to the circumstance. But well, like WA, which has a new feature of 'read', with the blue ticks. It's really cool, to be able to stalk people if you're on the stalking mood. But please. Do not impose your blue ticks on me (I got this sentence somewhere which was really cool HAHA). If you impose, I'll purposely not reply. TOO BAD


OK Time to enjoy christmas eve yo!!!!!

Luv, Olliee

Cafe: Park // Cafe: Sunday Folks

Been a long while since I've updated my blog, so I guess I should do some justice to this ;)


IMG_8822 IMG_8820

Went to Park a week ago with my beach ball babes(Nhu was missed :'( ) after slack volleyball training for lunch, and since it's my virgin experience, guess I'll just write a little about it. Park is a really small cafe (IMO) in Holland Village, just right outside HV MRT. But the thing is, the stuff there is NOT CHEAP. Well, it's usual cafe price I guess, but I really needed to save money so I was on a really tight budget, especially when we're going to Sunday Folks next.

We got the indoor seats since it was a Wednesday afternoon and probably there isn't much people. But I'm still really happy since there was aircon and indoor seats are the best.

[caption id="attachment_486" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Better photo after 892347236478926 times Better photo after 892347236478926 times[/caption]

Shared a meal with Alison to cut the cost but the food was still good! I love the bacon especially omg <3

[caption id="attachment_487" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Eggs Benedict Eggs Benedict[/caption]

We could hog the seats for really really long since there wasn't many customers there, probably another 2 more tables were occupied? And we also had to wait for Sunday Folks to open which was at 4pm. So we just had a long chat and it's been so long since I've hung out with them, it was really really so much fun!! x) and we even got to catch up with one another ^^

The waitresses and waiters were really nice and kept refilling out drinks even though we didn't buy anything anymore. The iced water was also infused with orange so its really addictive HAHAHA

Well anyway I guess if you go during the peak period you'll have to queue for really long, since its really small with limited seating, and plus if you add the time they take to cook the dishes, serve, eat, chat and stuff, you might find yourself waiting for around an hour or more.  (maybe) ;)

Sunday FolksIMG_8970

It was POURING when we started making our way to Sunday Folks. You can actually feel the cold wind and rainwater slapping on you. Sunday Folks is supposed to be a 5-10 min walk from HV MRT, but it's on the opposite exit of the MRT so we had to take the underpass. Actually it's really near, just cross a mini carpark and walk along the corridor and you'll see it. ITS. JUST. THE. RAIN. By the time we reached Sunday Folks we were totally drenched, even though we were sharing umbrellas. Even my shorts was wet HAHAHA I felt like I peed in my pants LOL. Reached there at 3.45pm and they still weren't open yet so we had to make 'walk-in reservations' to be in the queue. Sunday Folks was huge actually. A lot bigger than Creamier which we went once, so it can accommodate a lot more people. BUT. It's really popular. We were the first few to arrive so we didn't have to queue much, but after eating, there was this long queue outside the shop, even though it was drizzling.



They only had 6 different selections of ice-cream (really small:( ) but the good thing is we didn't have to take a lot of time choosing HAHAH. We shared 2 plates of waffles with ice cream- Pistachio and Earl Grey flavoured, and 2 cakes: Matcha cake and chocolate ganache cake

[caption id="attachment_488" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_8969 Matcha cake and chocolate ganache cake[/caption]


I understand why people go GAGA over this. The ice-cream was realllllyyyyy good. (since I really like both flavours) and the waffles. Was just plain fantastic. I don't even know how to describe it??? Well I have a really sweet tooth so these kind of stuff is MAH BAE <3

[caption id="attachment_493" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_8848 Pistachio ice-cream[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_498" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_8971 earl grey ice-cream[/caption]

The cakes were really good too, especially the matcha cake. But don't eat both the matcha cake and chocolate cake together, cause the chocolate flavour would overpower the matcha flavour, then it would be really hard to taste the matcha :( MY MISTAKE. But they're really really good individually!! ;)))


Now that I think of it it's a cafe hopping day ;))

Sharing food at cafes is really fun since you get to share the cost and share the food and share the calories and share everything HAHAHA.


Definitely going back to these places again, but only after I have earned enough money HAHA it's really burning my pocket :(((

Luv, Olliee <3

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Olliee in Penang // Day 7 // Dim Sum (again) // Hair Treatment // Bingeing session // Mood Swings

Heyy ;))
It's my last full day in Penang and today was a really nua day with nothing much to do since the AUNTIES have stuff and I have nothing to do.
Got lied to and woke up at I don't know what time, but everyone was saying it's already 8 before I woke up, but when I'm actually done washing up, it was only 0758. YA 8am ISIT.

Maxim Dim Sum



Went to Maxim Dim Sum for breakfast, which is supposedly the 'better' Dim Sum place. And it is true. TRUE. The egg tart was SO MUCH BETTER and there was more types of tea and basically, the food was ALOT better.





Just went along with my aunt to do their stuff, and I realized some of my videos/photos were deleted. WALAU EH MY DAD WENT TO DELETE THEM. Ok abit mean but I started raging. Like literally. Why would you do that. Or why would anyone do that. You are not gonna take the same video for me right??? Then wtf delete my videos for what it's not like there's no space in my memory card left right??????? Maybe I'm PMS-ing or maybe I am always this mean SIANZ. And sometimes I get so angry at myself for not being able to stay angry at someone for long. Like, I WANT TO BE MAD AT THE PERSON. But the anger dies down TOO quickly. 😑😑😑 aiya whatever 💁💁💁


And I didn't talk to my dad for the next few hours, though we were stuck together in my ahma's house as we both had nothing to do.

K SASSURE hair saloon

Clearly I couldn't stay at home any longer so I went out to have my hair cut. This was the only salon open opposite my ahma's house so I just went for it. My virgin hair treatment experience!!! I chose the cheapest treatment though which still costs like 80 bucks. 80RM but still 💁 Had my hair trimmed to get the split ends off and did the treatment. It WAS SO COOL. He used this steaming thing for my hair and I felt so ATAS. 👸

Since I was there really early,like around 1130, there was virtually no one. I guess I was the first customer HAHA

I never knew anyone could tell I didn't blow dry my hair though. The hairstylist said that if you blow dry your hair, your hair will look less frizzy/dry. HAHAHAHAHA clearly mine is just so wispy and frizzy. Didn't get to do hair treatment last time as my hair was still in good condition and not coloured, but since it's been bleached before, it's better to do treatment for your hair. Had a little chat with the Hairstylist while washing my hair, and found out a lot more things about living in Malaysia. It really is tough, HUH. And I have to agree that Singaporeans don't really like to do manual jobs.

The procedure was like this: trimming>washing>blow drying(half)>putting on treatment cream>steaming>rinsing>blow drying>DONE!

IMG_2208.JPGbefore trimming

IMG_2209.JPGduring steaming



Well, I felt like I was pampering my hair and felt realllyyyy good ❤️

Continued nuaing till dinner time, which we went to eat at D'good cafe( I don't really remember the name) but it's not exactly a cafe, it's a kopitiam!!!!! HAHAHAHA anyway, really happy for dinner since there was like 15 people there HEHE a really large group but it made me really happy ☺️ not everyone could be there though :((( cannot wait for another FULL FAMILY DINNER!!!! Ordered too much stuff and we couldn't finish them, and it felt like a binge omg. Some of the food was too good just. FULL.

IMG_2218.JPGHokkien Char: wasn't really that good IMO my uncle cooks it ALOT BETTER.

IMG_2221.JPGChocolate Roti Prata: this is by far the BEST and most interesting prata. It's really crispy outside with milo powder between 2 thin slices and it actually tastes like Neapolitan's chocolate wafer biscuit HAHAHAHA

IMG_2219.JPGStingray: still ok la not my FAVOURITE food though

IMG_2220.JPGCooked Crabs: my aunt brought it there for the person to cook for us HAHA it's quite good!!

IMG_2198.JPGBBQ Chicken Wings: didn't get to eat them since I didn't want my hands to be dirty 😛 but I ate it before and it's really good!!!

IMG_2199.JPGMango Sticky Rice: I loved the mango, but the rice was too sweet imo!


IMG_2222.JPGRoasted Long Beans: it's actually quite good but those who don't like beans too bad then 💁

(Whoops fell asleep while typing LOL)

Right there was still a lot more food, but couldn't take photos of them since EATING WAS MORE IMPT.

Anyway, fell asleep while typing this post and had to go back to Singapoee the next day :(((( SIANZ

OHWELL!!!! Oh AND my hair after treatment!!!! Didn't seem different though but my mum said it was smoother. BUT GOOD EXPERIENCE NONETHELESS!


Definitely gonna miss Penang :((( and I can't wait to go back soon!!

Luv, Olliee