Friday 30 January 2015

Tian Kee & Co

hey ;)

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After incessant cake cravings and posts from satay onto our whatsapp group chat, we decided to go to Tian Kee & Co to try their desserts + brunch ;) MINUS CALLY cos she burden don't wanna come :( But yala we really missed her she should have came!!!

Anyway, the nearest MRT station is Mountbatten, and its just a 3 min walk from the MRT, which is REALLY near. So we actually had quite high hopes on the place--airconditioned, 'atas', furnished with a theme etc. BUT NO. It's actually like a super old shophouse, turned cafe. Sounds old? BUT NO IT'S ACTUALLY QUITE COOL. We reached too early since they opened at 12pm, so we had to wait for the shop to actually open. HAHA. Too excited for food alr LOL And since it was a Thurs morning, there weren't alot of people at the shop so we didn't have to queue, and the food was quite fast! :P

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[caption id="attachment_894" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset back of the shop-- went there to hobo cause we were too early ._.[/caption]

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The shop actually had a rustic feel to it, which is quite nostalgic :') especially for the 90's and below kids <3

Their food's actually not quite expensive, for their brunch/breakfast, the most expensive food was probably $14.90? And there is no add on GST/service charge so the price is nett ;)) YAYZ.

So we ordered a Full day breakfast meal and a Tian Kee Eggs Royale (which had smoked salmon!), and there was a side salad each. Also got a cup of Mr Brown (kopi) with bandung and Pink Lady (bandung). OK. The Mr Brown with bandung sounds weird right? And IMO initially it tastes weird. BUT IT IS ACTUALLY DAMN GOOD AFTER A WHILE. It's like coffee infused with bandung taste <3 Definitely should try it!!!

[caption id="attachment_888" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset $6 for bandung; $6.50 for kopi+rose syrup[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_896" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Tian Kee Eggs Royale[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_900" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Full day breakfast and Tian Kee Eggs Royale -- $14.90 each[/caption]

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Caught up on alot of stuff--our lives, other people... but actually most of the time we were just spazzing. About what? ANDIE CHEN AND JESSICIA LIU WERE THERE. PUTTING MAKEUP. LIKE OMG??? OMGOMGOMG HAHAHAH. And we were contemplating whether we should take a photo with them but in the end we didn't cause we weren't really fans of them HAHAHA. Sorry guys x) But Jessicia Liu is really pretty!!! HAHA but we sneakily took a selfie with them in the background HAHAHAHAHHA

[caption id="attachment_905" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset One of our stalker photos HAHA[/caption]

OK anyway, the Tian Kee Eggs Royale TASTED AMAZING. Even though its not eggs benedict, and the sauce was supposed to be cheese sauce but it tasted more like thousand island to me, IT WAS FREAKING GOOD. Basically it was 2 muffins faced up, each with smoked salmon, sunny side up egg and 'cheese sauce'. THE SAUCE IS ACTUALLY SINFUL. BUT WHO THE HELL CARES??? Food is good when eaten together with no worries ;)

And the all day breakfast was ALSO REALLY GOOD. AIYA Basically just come and try!!! TEHEE.

They also sell wraps and soup, which looked soooooo good on the menu, but we were quite full already so let's just leave it for next time! Oh alot of people ordered the pumpkin cheese soup which was $8.90 so I think it was good??? Not sure but I'll definitely try it next time!!

Next was the main course: CAKES (kidding HAHA)

Actually we wanted to get this cheesecake that looked like paddle pop. Called rainbow cheesecake and it really looked AMAZING. But reviews all said that it was just a normal cheesecake so we didn't order it :( Actually we wanted to order it but after 2 cakes we were actually full omg.

We ordered the Ugly Nutella Cake (HAHA I LIKE THE NAME COS IT'S REALLY UGLY) and Caramel cheesecake, @ $6.50 each! OMG IT WAS REALLY REALLY GOOD. (especially if you like cheesecake!)

[caption id="attachment_899" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Ugly Nutella cake and Caramel Cheesecake[/caption]

IMO the ugly nutella cake was really good initially, with oreo crust below it. But after a while I got quite sick of the top part, which didn't have a strong flavour, like meringue with cocoa powder? Actually I'm also not sure, but STILL DAMN GOOD LA. Just try it!!!

I wanted to try the yuan yang cheesecake but clearly we were too full so IT'S GONNA BE LEFT FOR THE NEXT TIME I'M THERE!!! HEHE

Continued sitting there and chatting for a really really long time (actually we just wanted to watch them do their filming) but they left in the end :( Maybe their filming was at another place??? HAHA But still so happy to see actors and actresses!!!

But anyway, their food is actually not that expensive, just no usual fries or anything HAHA! Will definitely come back again to try other stuff, and their cakes!!!!!!

Sigh I miss baking :((( But there's no point in me baking cause I'll be the only one finishing it and I'll feel so sick of it SIAN. OHWELLZ. I'll bake again when I have the time!!! ;))) Oh if you need any info on how to get there can ask me!

AND it's usually closed on Mondays so don't ever appear on Mondays!!!

Random stuff:

[caption id="attachment_892" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset waiting for Satay to cut her hair[/caption]

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[caption id="attachment_902" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Mum bought me dinner with my favourite 3 vegetables so I guess she's not angry now HAHA[/caption]

Luv, Olliee

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