Had a really good sleep in the afternoon so I'm energised to blog!! OK NO kidding actually I'm still quite sleepy I might sleep early today HAHA. Anyway, it's our dear Laura's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA.
AND TODAY IS THE ANNIVERSARY OF MR12'13 AHAHAHA. 2 years ago we went into the school together and were the first friends we met in JC (at least for me <3) It's already 2 years alr, and I still can't believe that we are still so strong!!! Of course we are not as strong as in J1, but it doesn't matter right? As long as we are still comfortable with each other and still meet up!
Plus we even thought of cancelling it since we were quite worried about the cost and turn up rate but IT WAS GOOD AND LUCKILY WE DIDN'T.
ANYWAY, so we had a chalet-slash-staycation at Studio M before the guys all enlist (oh manz :( ) And it the first time booking a hotel and checking in, so it was a good experience!
Went really early to check in with Hannah, which we had to take bus 51 from Clarke Quay MRT to reach the place. And we also had to cross the rainbow bridge which was SO PRETTY!!
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Studio M was AMAZING. And beautiful. NOT EVEN KIDDING. We paid around $212 for one night in the Studio Loft with free Wifi and breakfast for 2, and we were upgraded to the Premier Loft, which is a little bigger ;))
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Check in time: 2pm
Check out time: 12pm

So actually if you think about it, it's really better than a chalet! HAHA. And much more comfortable too ;)

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So we continued nua-ing in the room till the others came in late, and so headcount: Me, Hannah, Erica, Yue Heng, Pris, Poop, Dong, Laura.

Ordered the first round of pizza first from Dominoes since we were STARVING and they had their 2 pizzas promotion, AND the deliver the food quite quickly so it was our best choice. And the pizzas were devoured in the next 10min.

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Played Charades which was FREAKING HILARIOUS and then chatted about random stuff <3 Mama G and Udon came so late ._. burden sia. But it's ok at least they are here!!!

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Dong and I went to Holiday Inn to buy alcohol HAHA cause we got nothing better to do and walked past Zouk in our super lapsup clothes HAHA damn funny everyone all wearing nice nice and we so chill walking past them. And we took our classic clubber night bridge photo HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Played King's cup for a while and alot of them got tired so they went to sleep, and Dong, Mama G, Udon and I were playing taitee HAHA which was actually quite hilarious. And since dong wanted to try getting drunk I just drank shots with her which was really quite crazy but nothing happened LOL. AIYA wtv :((( But I think I got quite high hahahaa.

Justin came over the next morning and I went for hotel breakfast with him since the rest didn't want to go. THE FOOD WAS AWESOME. Legit. OMG I was so happy!!!!!! The rest just ate bread and kokocrunch and I felt quite bad oops :((( But still, THEIR SCRAMBLED EGGS WAS DAMN GOOD, AND THEIR OMELETTES WERE SO GOOD. Basically I was just eating eggs HAAHAHAHHA. Not even joking!!!!

Played bridge after, and I was soooooo good at it. HUR HUR HUR. SIANZ but they all playing against me :(((( annoyingz AHHAA. But I was damn high while playing hehehe it's so fun!!!

Met MJ at Nex after and ate Carl's Jr for lunch before crashing his house to play RESISTANCE and CHEAT. OH MY GOD RESISTANCE IS SO FUN WHEN YOU ARE THE SPY!!!!!! IT WAS HILARIOUS. And we weren't supposed to win but one resistance went to fail the mission HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH DED. WOOOOOOOOO.

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Dinner was at Liang Court-Tamoya with Laura and MJ which sold udon. (Since the couple pangseh-ed us) The udon was really GOOD!!! And I was also quite hungry so I was really happy x) The shop was really small though, but they had the japanese feel to it, and they had a few kinds of udon to choose from. I got the cold udon mmmmm yumsies HEHE. Wanted to try the tempura but didn't have the money so I guess I couldn't be bothered ._. But my phone died since I couldn't even use my charger WA DAMN BURDEN :(((

BASICALLY OG STAYCATION WAS JUST DAMN FUN LA. We really missed those who didn't come :(((( If only more people could drop by!!!! And it's quite cool since 30 Jan was the first day of orientation for JC, and we have our own staycation, and 1 Feb is our anniversary!!!! REALLY LOVE ALL MY OG MATES as ahma I am so proud of them!!! <3
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Can't wait for the next OG outing (which might be after their BMT alr, or maybe CNY!!) and if more people could come I'D BE IN HEAVEN <3333!!!!!!
Studio M was quite affordable IMO especially during their promotions, AND it's at Clarke Quay. But it's actually quite hard to get there HAHA but still I LOVE STAYCATIONS.
Luv, Olliee
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