Wednesday 4 February 2015

2015 Resolutions


Nothing much happened in my life the past few days which was quite sad :( BUT quite sure it's interesting for the guys enlisting ;)) HAPPY ENLSITMENT!!!! Can't wait to see all the hot bods/blackies HAHHA

Well, since my life has slowed down, it's time to do my 2k15 resolutions HAHA. It's a little late, I know. And a month's passed already but better late than never right!!!

So here goes:

1. Meet up with my friends and leave time for them

This year is gonna be one of the best years in my life, with school starting in Sept (probably if I enter uni) and I'll be free from January-August. Can't wait to meet up with all my friends, those whom I've never seen for SO LONG, and those who are forever busy!! At least I can try and organise my schedule to fit into theirs ;) And if you're reading this and it's been a long time since we've met up PLEASE TALK TO ME OK. I am forever free for youall <3

2. Be fit

OK actually it's my lifelong goals but seriously, I have not been exercising since As ended. LOL. I exercised during As to release stress, but after As, I'VE BEEN HAVING SO MUCH FUN AND MY TIME HAS BEEN SO PACKED I HAVE NO TIME AT ALL. But it's a good thing!!!! Means I have so many friends who care :') HAHAH. Clearly cause I cannot live without people (lesson learnt from As._.) And I really need to exercise often if not all my bros who enter ns will be more fit than me AND I CANNOT TAKE THAT???? >:)

3. Earn money, but don't lose sight of my aims.

Ok, I have been working the last month as a part timer for quite a few jobs and it's actually been really interesting!!! But the thing is I've been lured by money to do stuff which I hate (admin at least). Like the pay is actually quite good for an admin job, but I'll definitely die of boredom in 3 days. I should definitely do something which I like and not for the money. If not in the future I might be thinking of doing stuff I hate but it pays well :( NO. Do stuff I like and enjoy, even if the pay may not be as good.

4. Spend less

HAHA In January I've been spending TOO MUCH. TOO MUCH. Not even joking :( quite sure my expenditure has hit over $900 in a month LOL. Been shopping too much for clothes and stuff, but at least I didn't ask for money from my parents!! ;)) Which is why I made a rough accounting book for myself to find out how much I've been spending/earning exactly. LOL Tiring, but mandatory.

5. Blog!!

Been blogging for a few months only, but I really wish I'll be able to keep up this hype for ever and ever. Or maybe for the rest of the year. Right now I can't stop using Dayre since you can't go back a day before to post which really gets on my nerves if I forgot to post something and goes to the next day -.- OCD max HAHAHA. So yes, just at least blog to entertain myself ;)

6. Be nice to people

Ok this has been my resolution since forever but clearly it will die down after a while HAHAHAHA. But ok I will do my best!!!!

7. Reduce angsty-ness

Errr I don't think I angst alot actually (maybe I do HAHA) so I have to keep my angsty-ness in check!!! LOL. But I really don't think I angst alot. :P HAHA

8. Read at least a book every month

January I didn't HAHAHA. So for Feb I will read 2 books!!!! PLEASE SUPPORT ME OK. I have to do it!!!!!!!!! Ok maybe I should do monthly book reviews to make sure I read a book HAHA. Somemore I bought too many books and they are actually stacking up in my shelf!!!

9. Eat healthily!!!

This is supposed to be under keep fit but ohwell I believe it deserves a point on it's own. So today I ate 1 full batch of cookies (I think since I made 2 batches and half disappeared alr LOL) MEANS I DEFINITELY HAVE TO EAT HEALTHILY!!! Been so long since I've ate subway so I can't wait!!! ;)))

10. Spend only if you have the money

I really don't like owing other people money so this year I will only go out if I have the money!! And spend less so I can go out more!!! ;)))


Literally, just have fun.

Quite sure I have alot more resolutions but I don't think I can think of them right now so I guess this will suffice!!! Can't wait for what this year will bring me, especially when I'm gonna be a florist!!!!!! WOOOOOOO OMG EXCITINGGGGG!!!!!


And I can't wait for VDAY --selling flowers to cute couples and dinner wif my loves <3 awwwwwwwww it's gonna be a lovely day hehehehehehe!!!!



Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

[caption id="attachment_961" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset And my tutee's parents gave me oranges!!!! <3 awww touched[/caption]

Luv, Olliee <3

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