Thursday 12 February 2015

Determination // Inspiration // Admitting

hey ;)

[caption id="attachment_1013" align="aligncenter" width="660"]IMG_0442 can you see the stars?[/caption]

So ONE HELL OF A COINCIDENCE and met the same running guy while running at night again, just that I was ending alr and he was starting. Actually I forgot his name oops starts with F I think!! Anyway, started chatting with him breathlessly since I didn't have any breath left about random stuff.

Actually he's been running for over a year now, and even though he doesn't look fit, he has been running >5km everyday. AND he has already lost more than 50kg just by running. DO YOU SEE THAT DETERMINATION??? That is CRAZY. He said
Just don't give up and persevere, you'll definitely see results

Which I totally agree. I don't even have the determination to run everyday since I am so busy with random stuff, (but I don't count myself busy meeting with my friends ;) ) and I'm just totally inspired by his determination!!

Started talking about studies and what I wanted to take in the future (which I don't even want to think about right now but seems like it's a topic that everyone likes so ohwell) and actually I already know what I want. It's just the grades. I am quite sure my grades won't be able to make it to the course I want which is why I have so many back up plans and trying to detach myself from my inclination to the course to reduce impact. (KIDDING) [reduce devastation] LOL. But as long as I don't think about it too much it'll be really easy for me to receive grades I have already prepared myself for!!! ;))

Anyway, he was really positive and kept saying "You should be more optimistic!!!" "Things will turn out fine in the end!!!" "Always look at the bright side!!!" 

Quite sure I'm a super optimistic person but I can't handle devastation that well so being less optimistic from time to time helps ;))

But seriously, he was a super inspiring person!!! I even ran another 1km with him after I'm done LOL WOWZIES.

Deep musing sux I really hate it why think about life why know stuff why admit your emotions when you're better off being oblivious to them??? So I will not admit to such horrible emotions because I will not allow myself to have them!!!


Ok anyway everyone else worrying about anything stay strong!!! It's all going to be over soon :))))

Luv, Olliee


[caption id="attachment_1012" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset got locked out of the house cause I forgot my keys LOL[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1014" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset and I bathed sabby cause she was dirty af ._.[/caption]

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