Friday 6 February 2015

First run of 2015 [NIGHT RUN] // Job Hunting Day 2 // Yoga Class


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FIRST RUN OF 2015 CLEARED!! Ok clearly I lagged by a lazy month but I am going to start running!! Quite a busy day today but at least I found the chance to run after giving tuition! And I actually found the motivation! Although my running actually sucks cause the last time I ran was last year, and I haven't ran for more than a month ._.

Actually night runs are the best.

1. There is virtually NO ONE. 

LEGIT. The pavement is relatively empty (compared to evenings) so you don't have to keep winding around people and getting slowed down by road hoggers!! BEST FEELING EVER.


It's just damn cooling. The wind is SO SO SO COOLING. It actually feels like I'm exercising in an air conditioned place. Just that the place is damn huge.

3. People running

You'll definitely see people running at night, and it actually gives you a sense of assurance that there are crazy people running like you :')

4. People are more open to give you support

I don't really know, but during night runs, I actually get random encouragement from people/joggers!! Like in the afternoon cause there's alot of people so maybe people are abit shy in giving encouragement, but at night people are more open! (I think??)

LIKE JUST NOW I already planned to stop running at a junction already, but this runner was also at the junction and chatted with me and said "DON'T GIVE UP OK EVEN WHEN IT HURTS JUST PUSH FORWARD!!!"

I swear that was a really huge motivation, like I don't wanna disappoint this nice guy who took the effort to encourage me, so I actually ran for another long stretch of road before starting my stroll HAHA. I guess this was really worth a mention cause the guy was so nice!!!

5. It clears your mind

Anything shitty/sad that happened, just run it off. I'm not even kidding. Today wasn't that bad, but just that I was kinda sad I couldn't go and visit ass at Creamier and have dinner with my friends. But it's also unethical to change my tuition too often since I've already changed it quite abit, and I'm definitely gonna change it next week :( So yea OHWELL. Just wait for the next outing!!!

6. Less guilt

HAHAAHAH I'm serious!!! I ate so much today I felt so bloated and guilty actually. :((( So basically when I ran my guilt slowly disappears away (though I'm quite sure that it doesn't balance out the amount of food I ate but as long as I'm happy!!!

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Yeap!!! And I actually found out the retarded reason why I am so competitive with guys HAHAHAH. Noob!!! But it is a secret sorry guys HAHAHAHA

Anyway, job hunting day 2 online was pretty fun and me and Laura actually got a job offer??? But they need to see our performance first but the pay is CRAZY GOOD. So I'm actually really really excited to do my best and work to be able to get that job!!! Best thing is I'll be able to work with Laura so it won't be boring woooo!!!!

And I got some time to read a book today, and work for 2h, and meet up with Cally for lunch!! At least I cleared some of my stuff of my todo list!!

[caption id="attachment_974" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset got to watch this slacker work!![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_975" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset not in time for photo cause we were hungry[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_978" align="aligncenter" width="577"]IMG_0300 THIS PHOTO IS UNFILTERED OMG I AM SO PROUD OF MY PHOTOGRAPHY SKILLZ ?!?![/caption]

OHOH and I also signed up for YOGA CLASS!!! Can't believe it!!! For a slop person like me I am actually joining a yoga class!! I should also try kickboxing one day, but actually I don't really have the time :((( OHWELLZ I'll plan my time again!!

[caption id="attachment_981" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset OK la actually not that ex[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_976" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset And I got this after signing up for the PAssion card!![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_977" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset work was just setting up[/caption]

Ready for work tmr TIME TO EARN SOME MONEY after slacking for the whole week!!!! <3

Luv, Olliee

Don't give up even when it hurts, JUST PUSH FORWARD!!!

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