Thursday 5 February 2015

Job Hunting

hey ;)

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So Laura and I had nothing better to do and wanted to find relatively higher paying jobs, so we decided to go legit job hunting. TRADITIONAL KIND-- going to shops and asking if they are hiring.

HAHAHAAH It's quite awkward initially, but after a while we just got so thickskinned we just asked EVERYWHERE. There were actually alot of jobs available, just that some outlets are already full and would probably ask you to go another outlet to work.

Filling up of forms

All of them would require you to fill up forms, and some forms ARE DARN LONG. I have no idea why, they want your family's particulars too??? Why do you need my parent's birthday, are you gonna give them presents? And it's so annoying filling up these long and naggy forms omg. DAHECKKKK. Aiya WTV as long as I can work with a friend!!! ;))

After hunting for jobs for a day well these are my findings:


1. Ask about the pay first

No point filling up the forms and then realising that the pay is not what you wanted right? Unless you're not interested in the pay ;)))

2. Ask about the working hours

What if they give you some shit working hours??

3. Flexibility!!!

I LUVVVVV flexible jobs ;)

4. Work with friends?

THAT's FOR US HAHA. We actually gauged if they required 2 workers in the shop and then choose which shop to ask if not they only hire one person :(

HAHAHAHA KIDDING. No but really ask them first!!! And FnB usually has higher pay :((( OHWELLZ. Especially Chinese fine dining restaurants LOL. So cool!!!! AIYA WTV we will continue to find so we will be EMPLOYED!!!!!

Sidenote: Visited Dong in her ugly Polo tee today!!! x))) AND CHEAP SUBWAY FOR $4.40 EACH

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

[caption id="attachment_969" align="aligncenter" width="577"]Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset And I got free angbaos and chocolate <3[/caption]

And it was the awkwardest day ever saw Koh Huey sitting opposite me on the MRT and I waved without thinking??? Somemore my wave was the super awkz wave omg HAHAHAHHA I have never talked to her before in school not even hi bye relationship LOLOL And I wasn't sure if it was even her anot HAHAHAHAHAAHHA

I am such an awkward turtle ._.

Luv, Olliee

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