OHNO it's been more than a week since I've posted anything!! But visiting people's more important so please let it slide ;)) Especially CNY!! Basically for this post I'll be collating my visiting sprees since 初一 till now (which is like... 初八).
Anyway, I have decided to ditch being healthy during this period and enjoy all the good food to the fullest! Afterall, CNY doesn't come everyday ;)
My days have been splendid thus far with all the lovely people in my life <3
Usually families would gather at one of their relative's house quite early in the day, some 7am, some before 12noon. But for my family, we meet after 2pm. HAHA. So most of us just slept in till really late, and just laze around at home all day till it's time for us to visit out relatives! :) And luckily my aunt's house is just a road (literally, just cross the road) away from my house, so we could sleep in till really late and we went there at around 3.30pm. LOL. And it's also so funny how everyone keeps asking me for my OOTD when I'm still in my pajammies!! x)
I actually realised that the clothes I bought weren't really suitable for the first day of CNY, which is a major problem since I really have nothing to wear this time and trying to piece an outfit together was really tough ._. Because you have to take into account so many different factors:
Comfortable enough to sit easily / Stretchable enough so that you can eat without fearing for tight clothes / Suitable for CNY / No black clothes (not that strict) / Glam enough
HAHA didn't get to take an #ootd since it was too late and I was actually lazy but guess these show quite abit!

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And we played Dance Central at 10pm:

Actually during the afternoon we were amazed at this new toy which my cousin brought-- Instax share HAHA and we took alot of photos with it which was REALLY COOL!!!! Definitely going to buy this but its ~$200 :((

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Went home at around 11 plus since I could just walk home HAHA But such a fun day catching up with everyone!!! <3
Couzzies from mom's side came to my house!!! :))) Clearly they came quite late so in the morning I was just lazing around in bed again.
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Had louhei with them which was SO FUN and we even had steamboat. I LOVE having people over at my house since I can be the host and be all crazy about it HAHAHA.

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Finally a day where I can put my WHOLE DAY into good use. But this time I had to wake up at 630am to go to the temple LOL. Actually, truthfully, I'm not a fan of temples but I'm one who loves going out/tagging along especially if my cousins are going, so yes I will wake up for them. ;))
And I wanted to try curling my hair naturally so the night before I bun-ed up my hair and went to sleep with it. Well all the Pinterest pins say this is one way to get curls, so guess I'll try it!!!
WOW and my hair really curled up in the morning and initially I thought that it wouldn't last the whole day, BUT IT BECAME REALLY REALLY REALLY BEAUTIFUL WAVES <3 WA bhb but I really like sia!!
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Anyway, spent the whole morning in the temple with the main highlight being TRYING TO HIT THE BELL USING COINS. HAHAHA it's said that if you hit the bell 3 times consecutively, your wish would be granted. But my max was only 2 :(( BUT QUITE FUNNY, since my dad brought a small bag of 5 cent coins and we threw to our hearts content ;)

After that, I had to visit pohpoh's house with the Bgirls, so we left after lunch while my cousins went to another temple (omg intense).
Guess the last time I went pohpoh's house was what, 4/5 years ago? It's been so long!!! Had a great catchup session with everyone and I kinda missed his long and boring speeches (but very informative and funny and useful!!!) And all his ranting about some celebrity and society is really interesting. Even though he kept scolding us 笨女人 for taking photos, we're quite sure he was REALLY HAPPY to see us AND take photos with us x)) HAHA And we finished his seaweed cracker/chips or something and the mushroom goodies were DAMN good!
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Split up with Denise and Cally after since they needed to go their teammate's house to bainian, so we went to Sushi express in Nex for dinner. IMIO, Sushi express's variety sux, but well, for cheap sashimi I guess???

Debated whether to get creampuff from Sushi express but went for something better: Beard Papa's <3

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Another super fun day with people I missed and still love <3
Met up with Es to go Qing's house in the morning since we have a BBB dinner together, and everyone else's working :( Bus ride from my house to Pasir Ris interchange was only 15min, and I even rushed out of the house since I thought I was late HAHAH. Went for Macs brekkie before going Qing's house to nua! Even brought my wave board along which was SHIT HEAVY SERIOUSLY but at least it's being used after collecting dust for a few years HAHA.

Lazed around and watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice before going back to my house to nua. At least I got to dump the wave board at home before going Ali's house!! :)) And I saw Qing's bro HAHA another JingWei!! They look so alike omg.

Nua-ed at my house again for another hour plus and talked random stuff and got made to wear my maxi dress which I wore only once HAHA. Never thought that I'd wear it again?! Es was wearing a cheong sam and Qing was wearing her floral romper so I got made to wear that dress ._. Ohwell!!! It's CNY doesn't matter!
Headed to House of Seafood at Kovan to collect our cheap louhei with sashimi bought from Groupon for only $9.90! Luckily we checked, as they forgot to give us our sashimi.

Journey to Ali's house was MAD. Travelling time took >1h which was crazy. But at least we weren't travelling alone so it was still fun ;))
And you can actually differentiate who worked and who didn't by our attire AHAHAHA The chios and The lapsups. (kidding all of you are chio <3)
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Louhei-ed before having steamboat, and so so so grateful for Ali to let us go her house and her mom for preparing all these stuff for us!!! It was a REAL spread and actually I thought we couldn't finish HAHA. Since usually the food at steamboats won't finish, but, POWER 6 AND WE ALL FINISHED. Dong was the lousy one who crashed first though HAHAHAHA. <3
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We also had a mini karaoke session featuring Ed Sheeran's songs, oldies, and TAYLORSWIFT! All the out of tune voices were really hilarious and it's actually more fun than having all the voices in tune LOL.
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Didn't do any visiting but Es and Nun came to my house! :))) It was such a last minute thing HAHA Es just asked if they could come over in the morning and I'm just like YA COME COME HAHA then we spent the afternoon in my room stalking people and talking about random stuff and watched How to train your dragon 2!! ;))) YAY AT LEAST THEY CAME BY MY HOUSE TO NUA <3

So this is how my CNY has been spent so far, AND IT WAS FUN. It hasn't ended so time to visit more people!! ;))) Enjoy your CNY and hope you also had a blast! :)
Luv, Olliee
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