Oh noez :(( Last day of chalet (actually it has already ended but SIANS I totally have chalet withdrawal symptoms :'( ) Really can't wait for the next chalet!! But since the guys are enlisting soon, we probably won't be able to have our next chalet quite soon :(( Ok anyway I realised why I look so cui it's just cause of my glasses!! No matter what everytime I wear my glasses I'll be the most cui looking person around LOL

Took a bus out of Aloha Changi to Tampines Mall to get breakfast, which was TEPPANYAKI.

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Virgin Teppanyaki experience!! It's the teppanyaki shop at Tampines Mall B1. Always thought it was quite cool to sit in front of the chef and watch him cook HEHEHE. Got the beef one for $9.80. (or was it $9.50 I forgot LOL) Anyway, The vegetables and taugay were SO GOODDDDD. Especially the taugay <3 MMMM Love the taugay like cray heheheh. The beef was quite good actually but quite spicy so it took a while to finish it AHAHA.
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Sorry actually arcade doesn't have to be blogged but IT WAS TOO FUNNY NOT TO TALK ABOUT IT HAHAHAHAHHA. Ok so we were playing Jubeat and Wei was playing. He's a really funny dude so watching him play is already entertainment. But the really funny part was halfway through you'll see blood on the squares HAHAHAHA. Everyone just went "WHAT THE SHIT IS GOING ON" and apparently 3 of his fingers were bleeding cause it was too dry HAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG it's abit scary but actually funny HAHAHAHAHAH. Sorry Wei if you see this!!! x)
The Imitation Game
Next was The Imitation Game at Century Square. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD. Like, damn mindblowing. It's basically about this guy who invented this machine to crack codes and how he did it to help save his country and stop the war. Shall not say too much lest it becomes a spoiler ^^
Kinda sad it's the last day and everything's over but really glad to know that we are still REALLY CLOSE even after As ended <3 And all the secrets were spilled ;)) NEXT CHALET PLZ
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