Saturday 3 January 2015

Voiceless // Sleepover // Nihon Mura Express // Dance Central


Right, I'm just gonna reschedule this post again HAHAHA. Totally had no voice on 1st and 2nd Jan, which was REALLY BAD. Even if I tried screaming it just came out as nothing ._. The only way of communication was either writing down what I wanted to say, or whisper. SIANS.

Went to Shihui's house for a sleepover with Laura and Pris, and we actually went to buy wine. LOL. THAT SHIHUI AH wants to be drunk so badly we tried getting the 'highest alcohol content'. Damn noob but whatever. So in the end we got Merlot from Jacobs Creek which was quite disgusting which we had to finish it -.-

[caption id="attachment_591" align="aligncenter" width="225"]IMG_9155 ATTENDANCE TAKINGGGGG[/caption]



4 noob us playing noob drinking games which was quite fail but the only fun part was actually catching up with each other and hearing all sorts of stories from everyone x) Clearly one bottle of horrible Merlot wasn't enough to get us drunk. I repeat. NO ONE WAS DRUNK.

[caption id="attachment_579" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_9166 Maybe Laura was drunk[/caption]

Had our mini Secret Santa exchange, which I didn't bring mine cause they didn't say so ._. and in the end our exchange was just like ME-LAURA SHIHUI-PRIS LOL.

Anyway, I freaking <3 the stuff inside my present, cause now I can decorate all my baking stuff however I want!!! WOOOOOO And some of em's from Wilton!!! Dream come true :') Then we started to think of retarded shit to do like call random people at 2.30am, then we realised that most people were asleep alr ._. so we couldn't be bothered anymore. But calling Jonny was really funny cause I couldn't even talk and there wasn't a point in calling, really. HAHA and wtf Jonny's convinced I'm drunk but I am totally not -.- it was a game brah!!!


Started talking about organising OG chalet and stuff and guess who's the first to get knocked out. TAN SHI HUI. "Ya I'm listening to you' all with my eyes closed" And what happened?



Got really tired after so (did we sleep??? ;) )

Went for sushi at Rivervale Mall at 12 plus which was SOOOO GOOD. Pity I couldn't eat much since my throat kinda hurts a little, and I have this weird ulcer on the top of my mouth. -.-


Headed back to my house for Dance Central which was FREAKING FUN with everyone around doing it together HAHAA.

Really miss their company <3

Can't wait for the next sleepover!!!

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Luv, Olliee

PS. Oh another thing, I got my 2nd piercing!!! x)))

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