Tuesday 27 January 2015

Old Airport Road // Types of customers promoters have to face // Dropping by ;)

hey ;)


So recently I had work during the weekend again. And since the pay was good + people there were nice, I wouldn't mind working there :) SO I dropped by to help out at the booth. This time it was at Suntec Convention Centre and the working hours were REALLY LONG. But since it's only for 3 days I guess it wasn't that bad! Had to work for 11h the first 2 days and it didn't help that I didn't sleep before the 2nd day but AT LEAST I TANKED THROUGH >:) I could sleep while talking to people though HAHA.

Went Old Airport Road to have breakfast on my 2nd and 3rd day with my parents and had FREAKING GOOD LOR MEE and SHAO BAO and PORRIDGE and TAUHUAY and CHEE CHEONG FUN hehehe. I always hate Singapore's chee cheong fun since it ruins the taste (Penang's ones are the BEST) but this hk one is REALLY GOOD NO JOKE. I usually bring food to eat at work for lunch and dinner since I am really broke :(((( Like legit, 0 cash and $0 in my ATM.

[caption id="attachment_787" align="aligncenter" width="660"]IMG_9758 LOR MEE idk the price hahaha but damn good[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_785" align="aligncenter" width="660"]IMG_9780 Handmade Chee cheong fun -$2/roll[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_786" align="aligncenter" width="660"]IMG_9781 fish porridge-$3.50[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_790" align="aligncenter" width="660"]IMG_9782 My shao bao for dinner[/caption]

AND my dad was so nice he knew I had a sleepover so I wouldn't have enough sleep so he secretly gave me this <3

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Well, even though I was SUPER SLEEPY on the 2nd day, people came to visit me <3 So Shihui dropped by to have Llao Llao with me, which I haven't eaten since before As HAHAHA. But it was SOOOOO GOOD. Ok, I guess I've lost my interest in Llao Llao actually since there were too many outlets popping up suddenly and the quality is going down and the price is actually quite high ._. Time to find another craving.



Claud, Shabs, Leumas and 736iu came to visit me at work which was quite funny actually HAHA and all the dirty people who didn't change their clothes since the day before. But aww they came to visit me thanks!! ^^

[caption id="attachment_783" align="aligncenter" width="660"]IMG_9777 only had a photo with Claud though hehe[/caption]

OK ANYWAY, back to the main topic.

Types of customers promoters have to face

Just working 3 times and I can roughly classify most of the customers HAHAHAH

1. Interested

They are genuinely interested in the product and wouldn't mind listening, then they'll buy.

2. Comparing brands but still slightly interested

They want to buy the product but is researching and trying to find the best deal possible/best product possible. Then they'll ask you what's the different between your product and the other brand's product and you'll be like ... uhh ... different brands lor. HAHA

3. Listening but not interested

Even if you explain everything to them till your throat runs dry, they will still listen but NEVER buy. -.-

4. Daosterz

Clearly there are some who would just dao you completely even if you try and ask them if they are interested. HOW ABOUT JUST SAY NO OR INDICATE THE PERSON IS THERE??? (ahahah I always feel like slapping these people you think you big isit???)

5. Awkward decline-rs

They're actually nice but are not interested in the product, so they'll just nod and smile shyly at you to show they're uninterested.

6. Question spammers

Well basically they'll just ask you every single question about the product in the whole world. Be mentally prepared.


YAY even though I don't get commission but the satisfaction of selling it is GREAT. WHEEEEEEEEE

Well this is my take on some of the kinds of customers you'll see as a promoter HAHA But this experience is really valuable ;)) Even though there'll f-ing asshole customers but overall if your colleagues are nice, it's quite a fun and slack job ;)))

Luv, Olliee

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