Wednesday 7 January 2015

First Day of Work // The Pecking Order

heyy ;)) (rescheduled again ._.)

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Right, since I have so much time in my hands so I'd guess I'll go and work and experience the working world. The last time I worked was for my promoter job, which I'll still be helping from time to time x)

Anyway, I got a job at The Pecking Order(TPO) as a cafe waitress, which means afternoon shift. When I went   for the interview, I was supposed to work in the evening/night, but since there was an afternoon slot, guess I'd just take it! ;))  (and the pay was quite good too imo!!)


It's a bar which recently turned into a cafe as they said they got a coffee maker. Kinda interesting I guess. The shop is really small IMO, and it's part of a chain of shops which are bars upstairs--The Mad Men and The Men's Room. Really liked the design and interior of the cafe/bar, since it gives a rustic and vintage feel <3


But the thing is there weren't many customers there as they told me it was still relatively new and many people still did not know about this place.

ANYWAY, first day of work was actually quite exciting and nerve wrecking. Being out in the working world was actually really interesting! And the best part is you get to know more about people from all walks of life, not only those in your circle. Which is really fun!! The people there were really friendly, and it was easy to talk to them, so yeap! x)

Been so long since I wore an apron alr, A MAROON APRON SOMEMORE OMG SO HAPPY I LOVE THE COLOUR. (I'll take a photo next time!)

Learned how to take orders from customers, serve drinks and key into the system. The cafe menu was quite short so it wasn't really a problem trying to understand it, just that I still can't remember the ingredients in the food ._. Salads, sandwiches, and pastas are sold there so actually there's still quite a variety :) ANOTHER THING. They told me the food's all HEALTHY. Olive oil used so no worries to health, which is one reason why the food there was quite expensive. Actually it's cafe price! Like around ~$15/$18. But I have totally no money to eat there, so guess I won't be trying anything from there anytime soon!

I was taught about the different beers, wines and coffees which I actually still can't remember. I always thought Guiness and Tiger and Carlsberg were just the same kind of beer?? I think there was a difference since its lager or stout or something. Guess I should read up more!!

Anyway, since the place was around the office area, the food there was naturally expensive. Had lunch at the nearby pontian noodles stall, which was just $4 for good wanton noodles! (Maybe cause I was too hungry) I'll definitely bring my own food next time to save money hehe!! ESPECIALLY SANDWICHES <3


TPO changed their menu at around 5plus, 6pm to ease into the night menu, which was a new menu on my first day of work, and they sold food similar to something at a tapas bar, but maybe a little different. By 8pm my legs were DYING. Though I didn't have to walk much, it was still tiring to have to stand the whole day.

But nevertheless it was a good day ;)) since I got to start work and the people there were quite nice(I think for now lol)!

Taking up too many jobs, but hope they don't clash!!! hehe. OH DO COME TO VISIT IN THE AFTERNOON PLS!!!

Luv, Olliee

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