Friday 14 November 2014

Nearing the end // Becareful of Streetdeal

YES we are NEARING THE END. A levels are ending and I really can't wait for it to be over. Even right now, in the midst of my exams, I could still even go on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr... and not study. Such dilemma, as to whether I should be studying right now. CLEARLY I SHOULD. But I've kinda lost my steam and energy to study -.- OWELL.

Had Physics P3 A levels in the afternoon today, and actually it wasn't that bad! Considering the fact i didn't study yesterday._. SUCH HORRIBLE DISCIPLINE. But anyway, last minute revision in school proved useful, since the questions my classmates asked all came out. SPOT ON GUYS LUV YA <3 HAHAHA. Pretty sure my studying intensity is like this right now:



HAHA really cannot study at home, but I get distracted easily outside too actually. Doesn't matter, IT'S GONNA END AND FREEDOM IS NEARRRRR n_n

Had a short run with Shihui after the paper to destress, and it was really relaxing and cooling, especially the cooling wind that comes and goes ;) Dinner was really good too, with red bean bun and juice and milk :d HEHE SUCH GLUTTON


Anyway, wanted to talk about StreetDeal, since my mum was asking me why she was charged $88 for something she didn't buy from Streetdeal. This happened a few months ago, when we thought that 'membership fee' was a yearly one, so we just closed a blind eye to it. And true enough, after searching join the internet, not one, but MANY posts on 'Streetdeal scams' popped up instantly. Basically, they have this thing where their terms and conditions are really small, and hidden quietly somewhere to trick customers into agreeing to them and then, making them pay for their membership, which is $88 quarter yearly? Yes, I can blame myself for not reading/scrutinising their terms and conditions properly, but a good company/business should be transparent about their fees for any memberships and state explicitly for the customer to decide for themselves whether or not to sign up for it, and not doing sly measures to trick their customers. Firstly, whenever anyone goes to a new shopping website, I'm quite sure no one would search for ' XX company scams' to see if anything pops up in their search engine. They would enter with this innocent mindset that the online service is a respectable one, unless it has such bad reputation that it has been reported on the news etc. Secondly, terms and conditions are not there for companies to exploit, and you also have to be clear of the fact that you might be dealing with people who read slowly/not adept in the language(in most cases, English). If everyone had to read ALL the terms and conditions which may not be that important, won't it be wasting everyone's time? Companies should at the very least underline/bold/highlight/emphasise the more important terms, especially those which involves money(in the case of online shopping sites, i.e. StreetDeal). Even Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) and Small Claims Tribunal (SCT) cannot help those who have been 'scammed'. Though Streetdeal may counter such 'rumours', it might have been a rumour if it was limited to 1 or 2 websites which reported on this, but numerous? Not forgetting the fact that Streetdeal did nothing to ease these rumours clearly shows how sneaky they are, right? Anyway, these scams has already happened for a few years now, and people are still getting cheated. So please spread the word and don't get scammed by Streetdeal! I wrote an email to StreetDeal to get a refund, but they were trying to justify the fact that I have already terminated the membership and just have to wait for it to be over. (bitch mode on) Well, DUHH who wouldn't try to terminate their membership after the shock they got from having to pay S$88 for a membership which gives only 20% discounts to certain items? That is like the most common thing people would do, BEFORE lodging a complaint right? And you tell me I have already terminated it. SURE THING THANKS

HAHA that was a relieving rant.

These are some websites that reported on this matter too:

Well, if you wanna find out more, just Google for it! Guess I will still try to get my refund from them, since clearly the administrator has used an old example. Will probably continue to try and get a refund though. tsktsk

OK time to watch TV ;)

Luv, Olliee

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