Sunday 16 November 2014

Motivation... to RUN?

hey ;)

Just gonna talk about running today, and my experiences. Well, I've been 'forced' to run for NAPFA, which is a fitness indicator by MOE which is compulsory for all students from P5 onwards, I think? Or was it P4? Nevertheless, I have never been one to be crazy about running, and although I am classified as the 'sporty' type, I just can't run. I HATE running. Really. Every year, I'll either just walk some parts of 2.4km and barely pass it. Or maybe push myself to do a continuous slow jog till I got at least a C, to be able to get a Gold for NAPFA. I just don't understand how people love running, its so boring and repetitive and mundane and so lonely (since I've always thought that it was a individual sport). Come JC, and I have no idea why, but I started running. the first time I actually ran 10km was to raise funds for a donation thingy. We had to run 25 rounds around the track, and it was SO BORING. And since it was the first time I actually ran/jog/walk 10km, I took over 1h30min. REALLY SLOW, I KNOW. Then after that I got crazy about running, and started running nearly every other day, at least 5K, then went for NIKE WERUN 10K 2013 with my closer friends in JC, and soon the interest died down.

Just kidding. I got a little sick of running but I still did it once a week, but only 2.4K, and maybe walked the remaining distance just to hit 5K to make myself happy. Why would anyone put themselves through such pain of running when its so hard to breathe and cause  chest pains and numb feet? Well thats for me, anyway. I'm not sure if anyone else really had that problem. And when Prelims/A Level arrived this year, I stopped running and concentrated on studying. The thing is, if I wanted to run, I would have done so. CLEARLY NOT. But after Prelims, I ran cause I was annoyed at the paper (actually at myself for not being able to do well). This was a really great motivation to run, to let off steam, but clearly this wasn't long lasting. So my drive went down again.

Actually I ran cause I wanted to burn my fats. Well, running such short distances wouldn't help, right? But at least I did something. Compared to sitting on the sofa and watching TV, at least I was burning calories, no matter the distance. Thats what I believe in ;)

HAHAHA. Especially during this period where I only study with a SUPER SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE and EATING 24/7, even my relatives said I gained weight :( which is true, I gained around 5-6kg :(( I NEARLY DIED. I was so sad. But I just wasn't in the mood to diet. I wanted food. I have a love-hate relationship with food. I'm jealous of those who have a naturally high metabolism. Life's unfair, huh. BUT WHATEVER.

Just have to clean up my diet for now, and I'll guess I'll see results after getting into an official diet again after exams :) +exercise, and that INCLUDES RUNNING.

And my 2014 resolution was to lose weight. SIGH. SIAN.


But now, concentrate on studying for As.

I know you can also fulfil your resolution <3 BELIEVE IN YOURSELF  |  JIAYOU  |  DON'T GIVE UP

Luv, Olliee

[caption id="attachment_14" align="aligncenter" width="300"](not my photo!) :) (not my photo!) :) Credits to creator <3[/caption]
Just keep your goals in sight and you won't lose your way, no matter the route.

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