Friday 3 April 2015

Kayaking @ Water Sports Centre

hey ;)

Unemployment means doing the weirdest and craziest shit from time to time, and this time, I went kayaking with Yvonne. I have never kayaked in my life (maybe I did once or twice during an activity) but whatever, just treat this as my first time HAHA. Anyway, I really didn't know you could kayak in Kallang so when she told me, I was like "ONZ SUA LEGGO"


this was my boat hehe

The water sports centre was really near Stadium MRT, and to get there just walk along the reservoir. Really. Noob us walked one big round cause we were very confused as to where to go. Price as follows:

Child/Student/Senior citizens (>55yo): $8
Adult: $12

Website is here!!

We went during non peak so these are the prices. But peak period would definitely be more expensive! And there was the option for the whole day, but I don't think we have enough stamina to last the whole day yet haha!
We had to fill up this indemnity form and I never knew that people who do not have kayaking certification can kayak!! Just that we only can use the open top kayak and we are required to kayak only in a specific area--within view from the main place.

If you have certification, you have to bring the cert though!! If not they'll consider you as one without the cert :( Yv had the cert but I didn't, so we could only use the basic one!! But at least we can kayak!! :)))

Got changed and had a mini briefing by a guy about safety procedures, like not to purposely capsize, stay within the boundaries etc. We were also given floats. THEN IT WAS TIME TO KAYAK. We started at 11am and ended at around 1pm, and the SUN WAS HOT. It was so bad I knew I was burnt alr ahahah.

AND IMO, kayaking IS. SO. FUN. 

OMG hahaahah like initially I was scared of capsizing, but in truth it's really hard to capsize so just don't purposely do it :) It was also REALLY REALLY tiring, and my arms had a really great workout--toned and tanned.

There were also dragon boaters (school activity probably) rowing nearby, and we just said hi to them HAHAHA it was really quite funny!!! x) We took alot of rest in between since our arms got really tired and the sun was really hot. The paddle also got quite hot so from time to time I just dipped it into the water to cool it down. Got to chat with Yv and it's really a blessing to have such an adventurous friend to try random stuff!!! ;) Took a few photos in our kayaks after that to commemorate our kayaking experience and I would definitely come back to kayak again!

Now I have a nice golden tan which i really like x) But actually when I think about it I'm very dark LOL. Good thing is I don't really have a tan line now wew!! But I am abit sunburnt after that cause I didn't put enough sun block sobz :'(


Overall, it's a really good experience to go kayaking with your friends. Plus it's actually quite cheap here too!! If I'm not wrong, it costs $15/h at MacRitchie (correct me if I'm wrong!) so really, it's vvvvvv worth it!!! :)) (+vvvvvvv good view)

VVVV good workout which I'm proud of and the water is actually quite clean so yayz :> Will defo go there again but never during the 12noon sun AHAHAHA!!

Do go there to try out cause it's really really really fun and vvvv chill cause there's the water making the kayak bob and peace and quiet :)) Have a great day ahead!! <3

Luv, Olliee


  1. Hi! Was just thinking about kayaking during the holidays and came across your blog, very interesting!
    Thanks for sharing, will definitely go there

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