Sunday 26 April 2015

April's song of the month: Tong Hua 童话 by Guang Liang

hey ;)

Back to song of the month!! ;) Well, actually it's just the song which I keep singing during the month and this time, it's tong hua! It's a chinese song and sang this song during karaoke sessions with BBB and really really really love this song cause it gives me feels and memories :')

Still remember last time how the radio keeps playing this song, and during bus rides, they'll be playing the radio and this song would always be playing at the right time. And I'll be really happy and start singing to this ;) Well that was in the past now, and buses now don't play the radio anymore which is quite sad :( Everyone will be on their phones texting/watching videos/scrolling through social media.

But anyway, IMO, it's a really really really deep song and vvvv sad :'( If you actually watch the MV, the girlfriend(I think) dies cause of some disease and I'll always tear during that part :( The song is about this guy who's convince his girlfriend that fairytales do happen in real life, promises to protect his girlfriend no matter what happens, and also tries his best to fufil her wishes. And it's really like a love story :')
 OH and the piano melody is SO SO SO NICE. And I've finally learnt how to play it x) and it makes me miss playing the piano too ever since I stopped going for lessons. Prolly playing the piano once a month now which is quite sad so after this I will go and play again hehehe :)

Which means happiness would be the end. Like how fairytales end!!! AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER HAHAHA <3 V SWEET RIGHT!!

This song brings back so much memories! :) I believe there will be happy endings so anyone who is going through rough patches JIAYOU AND DON'T GIVE UP!! \^^/

And yup, so this is April's song of the month!! Have a great day ahead everyone ;)

Luv, Olliee

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