Monday 13 April 2015

The Music Run 2015

hey ;)

As yall know, The Music Run just ended on Sat 11 Apr 2015 at Sentosa, and I got to go with one of my favourite bunch of people, BBB!!! <3 (but missing Ali and Nhu sobz :'( )

Music Run is a 5km non-competitive run, and throughout the whole 5km, there are different music zones at every km, and runners get to vote for the songs to be played throughout the run through Spotify.


And since it's been so long since I've went for a fun run, I went with BBB <3 and we paid $50 :)

Apparently it wasn't well publicised, so alot of people didn't really know much about the run, and I actually found out while randomly scrolling though the internet. The race pack collection was at Scape, and I went with Dong really late, like on the last day before 9pm LOL cause we were quite busy HAHA. I always love the drawstring bags that runs give us, like I can just throw everything I needed for the run in the bag and put it in the bag deposit ;) There was a pink dri-fit shirt given, which was REALLY COMFY!!! And I could wear S so it's the men's sizing. There were a few vouchers from Scape inside, but I rarely go Scape so I might not exactly use the vouchers LOL. And there was this Swisse multivitamin bottle inside but I haven't tried it though!! Will try it soon since it's free HAHAH But q sad they didn't give runners like prolly 1 month free Spotify since Spotify was one of the partners sobz :'(

ANYWAY, the music festival grounds was near Palawan Beach, and there were marshals and signs to guide us to the place so it was really easy to get there. And we took pics along the way ;)

The area was really quite huge, but there weren't alot of people as expected, as compared to Colour Run and stuff!!! Which I find it quite sad cause it's a fun run and it's really damn interesting!! (fun WALK) We reached at around 3pm and the race starts at 4pm so we just hobo-ed around and we were all quite tired. There were places to take photos in but we were too lazy to queue so we just went to deposit our bags at the bag deposit area and went to the Start Entrance cause we wanted to be in the first wave HAHA.

posted this photo to get the free sunglasses HAHA
Anyway truth is we used the sunglasses to hide our identity when doing retarded things but really, going all out is what matters!!!!

Start Entrance!!

our standard photo taking position LOL
People started running when they started the run, but we just couldn't be bothered cause we alr settled that we WOULD NOT RUN LOL. So we started singing when we heard the songs hehehehe


Along the way we were slowly getting into the dance/singing mood so we just singed(shouted) the lyrics along the way whenever we know the song so I guess we were quite noisy!! Most of the runners were just enjoying the music and running and we were dancing (similar to clubbing already HAHA) and singing AND IT WAS A HECK CRAZY. And the photographers of the run kept taking photos/videos of us which was quite funny HAHA prolly cause we were making so much noise and making everyone hear our horrible voices but isn't this what fun is all about??? Like just letting loose!! Especially on a music run ;)))

There were a few photo taking places along the way so we just went all out too!!
sobz purposely got blocked LOL

Mirror groupfie HEHE

Elvis Presley!! Ok look horrible here but attention to the runner at the back HAHAHAHA
we wished we could play beach volleyball :'(

Oh and there was a graffiti board along the way so we got to spray!!! <3 omg LEGIT FIRST TIME so we just wrote BBB <3 

We didn't take photos with all the boards though HAHA

My favourite part was everything actually, esp the EDM part cause it's legit clubbing and we just danced the way which was really really funny but FUNNNNN!!! And there was this tent that had clubbing feel but it was so so so stuffy. 

There were a few songs that we liked too so we just stayed at the zone for a while more and sang and danced to the song before moving on HAHA which added on to our timing. We even back tracked when they started playing nice songs while everyone continued forward which was quite hilarious LOL. 

Just didn't really like the hiphop part cause we didn't really know the songs so it was an opportunity to rest since we were really really tired from singing and dancing HAHAHAHA. 

There was also water stop and they also gave Aquarius which we felt was too slow so we just took the whole bottle for the 5 of us HAHA it was vvvvvvv good and cold yumz  ;)
Stole the whole bottle HAHA

We finished the run in 1h20min LOL 5km only but we enjoyed ourselves and had alot of fun <3 There was the after party after that and we just joined in AND WE WENT CRAY LIKE CLUBBING LOL. I swear the whole day we were all day-clubbing HAHAHA (and I legit felt that that was better than night clubbing on the day lol) but anyway YA cause they played really really really good songs, but just that some songs I didn't know/didn't know the lyrics to so just had to follow the tune and kenot sing which made me really sad but wtv still good songs <3

LOL really not alot of people!!!
There was this damn famous beat boxer Dharni which is AMAZING. His beat boxing skills are seriously damn legit and idrk but they said he was a local talent so prolly from Singapore?? But we went Australia to live and work, which is good cause if he stayed in Sg he prolly won't be able to make it and be famous :( which is really quite sad! There's also this AMAZING singer K-Leah and when they performed together it was SO BLOODY GOOD ok I cheered v loudly for them cause they were legitly good!!! Their voices were so smooth and magical idk how to explain la but really damn good should just watch them live manz!!!!

I really think that the Singapore crowd is not v high??? Like maybe cause most of them are shy so they don't really show their excitement and keep quiet most of the time and vvvv sian liddat. But really, if you don't enjoy now, when??? PLUS it doesn't hurt to just cheer for stuff and go high and crazy for a while right?? Sometimes I feel really sad for the host if the crowd is not enthusiastic cause the main thing is the crowd but it's really hard to make Singaporeans enthu :'(

But we seriously heck care and went all out and partied to the music for really long and had a CRAZY GOOD TIME with my BBB and so so so glad to have them in my lives <3 They are really my blessings! Some people say The Music Run is not fun but I really think it's a matter of choice and company. You can choose to enjoy or not and having the right company would change your experience alot!!!

So glad that BBB's about to go crazy when we want/need to which makes all our outings seriously damn fun cause I really think we are very thick skinned and when we are together we just go whatever we enjoy :))) Which is one thing I really love about them <3

Yeap, though there weren't many people who attended as expected, I had an AMAZING time there and I really really wanna go for more fun runs with BBB <3
Oh it'll be quite funny if our photos taken by the photographer gets on FB LOL HAHAH (but I really hope not)

Luv, Olliee <3

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