Thursday 23 April 2015

SSDC (Woodlands): Driving Lesson 7 // Double driving lessons?

hey ;)

My life has been slowed down alot this week, especially cause I didn't go out as much. Sigh I need to work and earn my transport fees and pay for food.

Been vvvv long since I blogged about my driving, so I guess here's a update! :)
Last 2 weeks, I've had 3 driving lessons and this week, I have 5 lessons. 

Double Driving Lessons in a Day?

On Mon, I had double driving lessons. So for SSDC, I booked from 8.15am-10.15am, then break for 15min, and 2nd lesson from 10.30am-12.30pm. So I guess in total around 4h consecutively. 


Not even kidding. I was so so so so so tired after 4h of driving. Ok, maybe cause I had enough sleep the previous night, and I could stay awake for both lessons, but I could feel my concentration decreased in the 2nd lesson, but enough to advance to my next driving subject. LOL. And the most important thing was, MY SHOULDERS WERE ACHING. Cause I wasn't exactly relaxing on the seat, obviously I was a little tense since I was driving on the roads, and you have to be alert of your surroundings, and sitting upright made me more focused (idk why). But anyway, it was really tiring ._.

But luckily, I was still in Stage 1 during the consecutive lessons, which was quite easy, like prolly starting off the car and moving along and turning and all the basic stuff la, before you learn the courses. (aka S course, parking etc.) 

So IMO, DON'T take double driving lessons consecutively. If you think you can do it, then prolly just have double consecutive lessons for Stage 1. (the easiest part) Actually it'll be ok if you have 2 lessons spread out in a day, like maybe 1 in the morning, and 1 in the afternoon etc. But it'll be a waste of time unless you live near the place. 

But if you're damn pro then ok la, go ahead!!! But I will defo take every lesson seriously cause it is REALLY NOT CHEAP AT ALL. If you think about it 2h -> $77.04 gone. zzz My dad even said last time when he learnt it was only $7/h. HAHA LAST TIME.

And the instructor was really funny, he was like saying:


ohwell!!! Luckily no more double lessons phew.

Ok so anyway, finished my 7th driving lesson today, and I'm finally in Stage 2. Actually tbh, every section that you are learning, you cfm have done it before, just that they want to go through the details with you so basically it'll be quite easy once you get the hang of it. 

From 2nd-5th lesson I was just trying to finish my Stage 1, so yup, I finished Stage 1 in 5 lessons. Idk if it's fast enough cause the lessons are really expensive and I want to hurry up and finish learning everything and get my license asap so that I won't have to spend more money on driving. My aim is to spend <S$2k on my total driving fees in SSDC, but since its under school, I don't think I can make it. But I'll update!! :))) I calculated alr, actually if I wanna spend <S$2k on total driving lessons, I would have to finish in under 20 lessons. SO I WILL DO MY BEST FOR EVERY LESSON!!!! <3

And I didn't book a fixed instructor, so up till now, I have had 3 different instructors. Ong was my instructor most of the time, then there were 2 others who taught me too. I rly think all of them are quite good but we'll see how as time goes by k!! ;) Hope I can quickly finish Stage 2 too omg And I still need to book an auto lesson :( Extra money AGAIN. Sobz.

Most of the time my problem was moving off too slowly. But it's so weird how one instructor says "slow and steady" and the other one keeps telling me I'm starting off TOO slowly. I rly think I'm starting off too slowly so I've increased my confidence in the accelerator LOL. I was v scared to press the accelerator cause I scared the car will jerk forward, but like wtv. As long as I can move off fast!!!!!!!! CONFIDENCE IS KEY :)

Tried the S course today too (under speed control using E-brake) WHICH WAS SO FUN HAHAHHAHAA vvvvvvvvvvv stressful but damn fun!!!! And exciting!!!! HAHAHAHA. But I was so so so so slow cause the road was so narrow and has really deep turns?!?!

So yup, really happy with my progress now, and I really think different cars have different abilities. I can really feel the clutch difference between car 40 and 41. And I prefer car 41 actually ahahha idk why!!! Maybe cause I feel the clutch is easier to use lol. Less stalling of the car now, but still stalls once in a while when I get anxious and wanna move off quickly so I should really control!!! :)))

Good luck to everyone learning driving and have a gr8 day ahead <3

Luv, Olliee

Hope this cute, bright, lost, and slow tortoise brightens up your day! <3
(ps he's called Terry)

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