Thursday 6 August 2015

Arts Camp 2015 22 June - 26 June

hey ;)

Wow I'm finally writing about my 3rd camp in June LOL. Everyone says I'm siao alr joining so many camps, but actually, this is technically the first camp I signed up ;) During Arts Open House (which Dong dragged me and Ali along), signups for Arts Camp was open only on that day, and at that point I was still deciding whether to accept NUS FASS or NTU Biz. But really, I think in the spur of the moment, and cause we wanted to join the camp together, I just accepted NUS on the spot LOL. I imagined myself accepting the offer in a less spontaneous way but \-_-/ HAHA. And it was 85 bux, which at that point I was broke, both in cash and Nets HAHHA. DAMN NOOB. So I had to borrow money from Ali >_<

CRy seriously where did my priorities go??

OK actually I regretted abit after joining cause it was just too spontaneous and all, and I wasn't even sure if I wanted NUS or NTU, but since I've alr paid for it, why not just enjoy it right?? And it so happens, IT WAS DAMN FUN!!! <3 Like legitly damn fun ^^

Initially I was a little bummed that my group is considered 'chill' and all, and I wanted a more 'fun' group. But 'chill' and 'fun' is not mutually exclusive in T5 ;) Really really really glad to have been in T5 with everyone else cause there's damn fun shit going on in there, plus alot of yandao and chiobus!!!!! ;)


We had MTF (meet the freshies) session, and cause I was still v nua on that day I didn't really bother talking to everyone, but it was really nice to meet up with all your other og mates before the camp to bond a little bit and try and remember everyone's names LOL.


Day 1:
I OVERSLEPT HAHA. Had sleepover with Sherlocks at Zhewei's house and WTF we woke up late and travelling all the way to NUS was a hassle so in the end we were around 2h late lol. Meeting time was at 9am and we reached at around 11 plus. Skipped abit of intro at the start but ohwell!! Then they started playing mass games omg. LOL. Was supposed to paired up wif my partner Bernard but since OGLS had to play both of us were attached to the OGLS instead!! HAHA T house legit chill no kidding. Like, we just stood there and just try not to let our tags get ripped off, but anw we were the first to lose HAHAHAHAHAH. It was actually quite funny lol. And it's just a game so no one really cared. As long as we had fun ^^

Had station games for during the day and SP games at night. For those who dk, SP means secret partner. So basically you have to be paired with another person of the opposite gender from another OG and just talk for 1-2h per session. WHICH IS DAMN LONG HELLO. BUT wtv HAHA.

Felt q bad trolling my SP but it's really hilarious cause the seniors/OGLS keep coming to disturb and I'm just like omg I should stop lying but clearly I have to keep up my story LOL.

Basically I lied saying:
-I was gay
-I was 21=cause I retained in Sec 2 and took a gap year to visit my bf who was studying Medicine in London and then we broke up and realised I was gay
-I had major pimple breakout on my left cheek
-I was 155cm

LOLLLLLL. OK doesn't sound alot but when I typed it out it's actually alot?? And actually my story had alot of loopholes but wtv hehe.

Had Fright Night after but since we were in T5, we were one of the last few groups to leave the waiting area. So we just did our first HTHT together in AS7 with supper by the seniors from Amaans HAHA. But the food was really good though ^^

'Spiritual Journey' was quite scary at the start, when it was in the toilet, but generally, it was quite ok for us. AND it was hilarious that one of our councillors Esther was a ghost and her distinct hairstyle made us recognise her immediately and we all starting laughing HHAHAHAHAA. But good try!!!

Then by the time we bathed and shit it was alr 3+am, and most of us were tired alr so we just went to sleep :P Means, END OF DAY 1!!

Day 2:

one of the better breakfasts LOL

HAHA all the games were really damn fun ;))) But its mostly wet and soapy (aka clean) HAHA but really really enjoyed everything! Had SP at night also and I just revealed that I trolled him the last night la basically lol.

-Add caption-

Played running man after and became the chaser with Bernard! HAHAAH DAMN FUN OMG. But really really tiring sia. And like got alot of dirty tricks etc but oh well forgot about everything alr! Then we had this final round with balloons and like we just lost immediately cause we didn't even know it started LOL HAHA wtv la good exercise though LOL.

Bathed and chilled with everyone and HTHT which is my favourite part of the camp ^^


Saw Tian Wei!
Day 3:
T5 <3

YAY my favourite!!! I think it's really cause I love the beach alot so beach days are my favourites :)


Had a major waterbomb fight which was INSANE. <3

Pulled tug-of-war for T house which was damn damn damn tiring and my hands couldn't move also LOL and my feet cramped hahahha. But during tug-of-war, everyone's cheers really made you push on cause you were doing it for the house, and like, made me hold on even more. Really didn't know how cheering for someone could make someone hold on.

ALI <3

Day 4:
Inter OG games
HAHA basically we had to split into different groups with other house people and form new groups! We all went to west coast to play all the weird games HAHA. And our SP was also inside so we could kinda guess who was our SP but I couldn't cause the guys were being a dick AHAHAHA.

Yi Xuan!!

horrible breakfast

Had revelation for SP games after, and then social night at Zouk!

SOOooooOo YeeEEee


Day 5:
Everyone was basically just shagged so we had sponsor talks which we all just slept through HAHAHA.

Camwhore session!

HAHA actually I drew on everyone's elbow the smiley face hehe

Had War games after while everyone was DAMN SHAG but it was really fun cause it's all water bombs!!!! ^^ And we enjoyed attacking people instead of attaching the papers LOL

cui sunblock skills
Then after we continued to nua abit more before going off for dinner at Amaans, and I really felt so sad that camp has ended :( I really enjoyed myself so much!! CRY But will defo meet up with all of them!


Thanks for the memories <3


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