Thursday 27 October 2016

The Yoghurt Diary

Hey guys! :-)

Haven't gone down to writing a post cause of everything that happened recently. But nevertheless, I've decided to introduce a new segment in my blog: THE YOGHURT DIARY :-)

I know, I know, the name is SO not creative, but it just says what I will talk about in this segment -- yoghurt. My friends would know that I'm an avid fan of yoghurt, be it normal or greek, plain or sweetened (usually plain). To be honest, yoghurts REALLY burns a hole in your wallet, especially when I am on a budget.

Hence I want to document my yoghurt journey (LOL) and make sure I remember which are the ones that are really good/worth it. :-))

Enjoy! ✨

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Musings // Hitting the big 2

hello! :-))

I'm quite sure this post is long overdue but it's alright man because better late than never right?

This is another post for everyone, who've been supporting me all these while, throughout all these months/years when I'm at my lowest (probably), and when I am not the best person to be with (sometimes).

disclaimer: fucking cheesy I think so if u can't stand it plz dun read k :-)

This sem hasn't been really easy, with so much stuff going on about camps at the start (and maybe even now). But I'm really glad that it has finally concluded and all, after > 4 weeks of investigations. It has really affected my mood towards many things, regardless of whether I choose to believe it or not. I knew that the loss of a loved one wouldn't be easy, but I thought I would get over it quickly, but that is also not true.


I know my friends and family are still supporting me :-)

And during my birthday, they celebrated for me. Although it was a mini celebration, I was rly touched by it cause it was the start of mid-terms week and all and I was rly glad they remembered :') That week I met up with many whom I hold dear to, even though it was only for a meal, it was really great catching up with everyone. Tbh, I'm rly rly rly grateful to everyone who celebrated my birthday cause I don't really celebrate much LOL.

got this from ass ya!! :-)
hello noob
ex-tablemates ya!!!


MOVING ON, I received the email from STEERnus, and I. AM. GOING. COSTA. RICAAAAA. I literally felt like oct is a new month new me kinda month, and I actually already expected a rejection email from them. BUT guess what I DIDN'T!! I have been eyeing this trip since last year??? And I actually got to go??? Once I got the email I was so excited I started to spam wendz and even went to the gym to run to burn off the extra energy HAHA. On the other hand I was rly sad I won't be able to make it for my Bintan trip with Janey Waney and ZoukOut SOBZ :-( sorry guys I burden :-(( I will make it up to u ya!! (@janeywaney) LOL.

Alrighty, then on wed (5/10) there was TGIWagon organised by Zouk, and everyone came to my room to predrink before. But guess what again??? They gave me a GOPRO????? I have been eyeing this since FOREVER since I've realised that Hero5 was coming out and I was so so so ready to buy it once it was out on 2nd Oct but whhhuuuuuttttt???? HOLY SHIT. Like. I'm quite sure I looked rly stunned and I didn't cry but that because the shock >>>>>> happiness. HAHAH. I literally just stun there man. HUUUUHHH???? As in, rn I'm still in shock but when I got it it was so OVERWHELMING. In my head was just 'omg rly rly rly is this real is this not a dream is this a gopro is this a toy is this fake is this not real is this really a present'. My thoughts were just jumbled up everywhere at that moment. And I was fucking speechless. I rly rly never expected anyone to do this for me?????? huuUUUuuuuuhHhhHHHH. THANKS GUYSSSS :'))))))))))))))))) (dayum shld have taken a photo inside the room SOBZ)

Say hello to mah NEW BABY

The number of chins I put for my smiley face above just can't describe how grateful I am. I am so so so so so thankful for everyone who contributed to this cause I know this is fucking expensive. I WILL TAKE CARE OF IT YA AND TAKE RLY NICE VIDS!!!!! :-))))))) And I know it's rly been hard for yall Bali gang for coordinating all of this so thank u!!!!!!! I like how yall called it lizard fund so gross tho.


THX GUYS :-)))))))

I tried my best to hav a photo from T house peeps as much as possible :-))) <3

And Finneon ya!!! :-)))) thx guys :-)
And dong hahahah gud job not messing this surprise cause I legitly thought that it was gonna be a wallet LOL. What wld I do wo yall manz T.T

wad wld i do wo u <3 (oh and twinning outfits ya)
On Thurs although everyone was shag as hell we still went for HHN6 @ USS which was A M A Z E B A L L Z. Altho there was a hiccup during entrance I'M SO GLAD WE CONQUERED IT (altho I literally panicked) but all's well!!! The queue for all the haunted houses were so short (around 30-40min) we finished all 5 by 10.30pm. Which was really early, since we got to watch the HHN performance and even got to take the rides at USS. I got to video it using my gopro but it was rly dark so the footage was rly grainy and dark sobz :-(( But here's the vid tho! :-)

It was rly rly rly amazing so highly recommend ya!!! Compared to last year where I went on a popular + one of the later days so it was rly packed and we cld only go for 2-3 haunted houses and the queues were arnd 1h++ :-((( But this year there wasn't as many scare zones but it's ok!!!! Highly recommend the clowns one (Bodies of Work) and Old Changi Hospital!!! rly rly vvvv scary HAHAHA but after that I just laughed hahaha.

You can see more of my experience in HHN6 here:-)


Anyway, it's really funny how life works sometimes??? It's really full of ups and downs like a fucking rollercoaster but only with the bad parts it rly makes you cherish the good parts more. Life can be a fucking dickhead and for months felt like there's a black cloud over my head but it's really starting to clear (studies aside HAHA). Being at rock bottom is really rock bottom but when you are slowly moving up again every single thing you will rly cherish with the bottom of your heart and that's what I may have been lacking for taking many things for granted???

There are really many ways to deal with rejection and disappointments but how you perceive it actually affects how you face it. Either way, in the future, you'll prolly look back and be like 'ya I've been through it and it's over' and that feeling is THE BEST.


Thank you for being there for me :-))) fucking cheesy and fucking gross but still nid to b said yaaaa.

Luv, Tingz

Friday 7 October 2016

{A Photodiary} Taiwan D3: Taipei // Paragliding // Jiufen // Shifen

Hello again :>

Finally got back to posting D3 of Taiwan although its been months LOL. Guess I should continue haha :----)

Our driver brought us to paraglide on top of a hill, and the ride took about an hour.

First time paragliding so I was really excited about it! :-)

It was drizzling a little and the area was really cloudy, so the visibility was actually quite bad. Even so, since we have already driven all the way up here to paraglide, we just went ahead with it!


Headed over to jiufen after, the location where spirited away was based on! :-)
We had lunch here and stayed for around 2-3h, and there were many souvenir shops here -- definitely a good place to buy stuff! :-)

Ice cream popiah

rly nice view from the top

Golden Waterfall

Our driver then drove us down to the golden waterfall which was just nearby. TBH, it was quite underwhelming but it's still really amazing how the colour is so different.

Yin Yang River

The road led us to the yin yang river, where the colour of the river is really unusual.

Shifen Waterfall

After that, we drove over to shifen asap as it was getting quite late.

Shifen waterfall


This was the best part of our trip :-) We walked over to 'fang tian deng', which is to set sky lanterns! :-)) Like the place in the really popular movie -- You are the Apple of my Eye.

There were many varieties of sky lanterns, and the different colours have different meanings

And we just had to hog the railway to take photos :')






Had to leave after a short while as we were going to overshoot the time we hired the driver :-(( But he was really nice not to charge us for the extra 1/2h although it was really our fault. :-)
He even drove us to the hostel to put down our stuff first before driving us to the nearby night market. So nice!!! :-))))

Anyway so this concludes day 3 of TaiBBBabes, finally.
