Tuesday 19 July 2016

BALI x x2noice

Heyyy :>

I'll stop the Taiwan Photodiary for a while and slot this post in :>

So basically what happened was I FINALLY WENT TO BALI!!! I have always wanted to go Bali with my friends and we finally got down to booking the flights and hotels and all so I'll just blog abit about Bali cause it's really very memorable and I wanna keep it here :>

I'll just give a little summary of the whole trip on where we stayed, what we did etc :>

Where we stayed: J4 Hotels, Legian Bali (in Kuta) ~S$319.16 for 4 nights in total

We booked the hotel through Expedia which was really cheap. Since we only had 5 people, we didn't want to stay in separate rooms so we shared a deluxe room which was HUGEEE, with a King size bed. But one person had to sleep on the floor usually which was quite sad :< cause the bed could only fit a maximum of 4 people.

The district we stayed was the clubbing district, so the music was really loud and there were clubs everywhere. Sky Garden was just right beside our hotel (literally 2min walk there). Sky Garden is one of the more popular clubs in Bali, and everytime we took a cab, we had to say 'Sky Garden' instead of 'J4 Hotel' cause that's where the cabbies know. HAHA. There was also Engine Room opposite our hotel and there were TONS of bars along the streets. Clubbing and drinking? Checked.

Flight: TigerAir ~S$250 return tix/pax

we were all at diff departure gates LOL
Preflight dinner (subway was the only affordable one fml)

Attempts to block ray's face
It wasn't really VVVVV cheap but at least it was one of the cheaper options :> We were deciding between Jetstar and Tiger but went with Tiger and Jetstar's timing was quite shit (4am flight???). I'm q sure we would be late for the flight LOL. HAHAHA. ANYWAY, our flight departed from SG at 3pm and reached Bali at around 6.20pm on 9 July, Saturday :>

We departed Bali at 7.20pm (delayed from 7pm) and reached SG at around 9.45pm on 13 July, Wednesday :>

Bali felt like a getaway from all the responsibilities in Singapore (although I still had to do some work there), I felt so so so carefree, not caring about the time, not caring about anything but just focusing on having fun. IT WAS SO AMAZING. Most of the time we were chilling in the hotel and just taking our own sweet time for everything. 

yay to green slippers!!

AND I FINALLY GOT TO SURF. But we only had time to surf for 2h which was rly q sad cause it was actually hard but it felt so amazing being able to stand on the surf board :> Really can't wait to go back to the beach to practice surfing again!! The waves were really different from those in Singapore AND I ACTUALLY LOVED THEM. Watching the waves were really calming and made me feel really peaceful :>

handsome not

We were at Kuta beach most of the time, although we went to Potato Head Beach Club on the 4th day which was a different part of the beach. The waves was really strong when we went to Potato Head so we didn't really see people surfing.

Kuta Beach!

Potato Head

HAD TO PUT THIS HAHAH it was so funny cos ray was sick (i dun think any of them will see this anw HAHAHA)
The pains we went through to get a photo together without asking people LOL

Meals were really fucking cheap, and we had a common fund where we just pooled money together to pay for most of our stuff, such as food and transport (which is what we mostly spent on LOL) BUT ANYWAY, we ate like KINGS. Basically, we just ordered whatever we wanted on the menu, around 3-4 mains and some sides, plus drinks. Sharing made it cheaper but in general the prices were already cheaper than in Singapore so we ate till we were really full usually AHHAAH. 

Didn't find the food really amazing tho except when we went cafe hopping in Seminyak where all the good cafes were!


Money brought: S$350 ~ IDR 3 000 000
(if you intend to buy more stuff/do water sports etc, do bring more money!)

Shopping in Bali was like heaven. There were so much stuff all around!! And they were all really cheap. You'll definitely need to bargain for the items you buy there, since the prices they usually give at the start is REALLY HIGH. For example, I wouldn't pay >S$5 for singlets there so we basically bargained like mad for the singlets. Their starting prices are usually CRAZY high so YOU MUST BARGAIN!!! There were many stalls selling the same clothes so if one doesn't give you the price you want, just go to another stall ;>

Got cheap magnum!
The alleyways are really amazing with many stalls
We wanted to get white singlets cause they looked alot nicer, but we couldn't find 5 pieces from the stalls there and they were usually sold out (sobz :<) so we settled on the black colour which is still nawbad!! Really loved the singlet cause it's so comfortable and CHEAP (S$5/singlet). We had to buy from separate shops tho cause there was no one stall which had 5 pieces so we split 3/2 HAHA.

Finally got our same singlets on the last day!!
Also bought a dreamcatcher and a tiny bag!! :> vvvv happy wif my buys hehe <3

We also went for a massage there cause it was FUCKING CHEAP, you can get a full body massage for less than S$10 there which felt really amazing. Too bad we only had time for 1 sobz :< Really dm going back for the massage and surfing and food and clubbing!!

Massage x manicure!
HAHAHAH found this lego shop rly cute
WE ALSO TREKKED MT BATUR!!! (I'll leave that for another post but here's a sneak preview of the scenery hehe)

Either way, we were really sad about leaving Bali :< BUT I WILL BE BACK!! (when I have the money LOL)
Bali's airport 

Sad about going back sobz but look at zitt's judgemental face

Total expenditure: ~S$670 all inclusive (didn't finish my IDR tho, so prolly less than S$670!)

rly can't wait to go overseas again!! :>


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