Sunday 28 June 2015

Eusoff Exposure Camp - Can EUsoff it 31 May - 2 June

Hey ;)

This camp was the very very very first camp I attended, and IMO it's DAMN FUN. The group wasn't very big, like around 10+ people? and 5 OGLS. Actually I was considering between Eusoff and Temasek cause they're camps clash but since Eusoff replied me first then I went ahead with Eusoff. And actually my hall choices were just between Eusoff and Sheares now. But in the end friends > everything so I chose Eusoff!! (actually I'm happy that Eusoff accepted me for exposure camp cause I thought I won't get it LOL)

Everyone were really nice and easy to talk to, and all of us had common topics to share. Team bonding games were actually quite hilarious and truth is this camp is not v lupsup HAHA. I think all the camps this year toned down cause of last year's big weird hoo ha LOL. Throughout the 3 days there, I made really really close friends and hall mates which I will defo treasure :')

Amount of stuff I had to bring (cause of sports camp too)

cupcakes from Zhiyi!!!
OH and my group was Sherlocks, HAHA and we had to wear Orange. Which I don't have any orange clothes LOL. Like legit sia. I had to borrow orange from all my friends HAHA (thanks guys <3) Eusoff is really sports inclined and everyone's really a good sport and they'll all be damn enthu about games and stuff (even dirty games LOL) Which is why I could go all out without looking weird also HAHAHAHAHA.

HTHT sessions were really damn interesting, I mean, who has a 3h long traffic light game??? But all these HTHT sessions made us know more about each other and bond much better ;)

YAY met Qing <3

Not all the photos are here cause I lazy to save from Whatsapp but quite sure we really had alot of fun the entire camp!! 

Stirlocks is still going really strong and I'm so so grateful to be in the same group as this crazy and weird bunch <3 All the random meetups and visits are all filling my life right now <3

Luv u guys!!!!!!!! <3

Life updates :)

hey! It's been vvvvv long since I've updated my blog, around 1 1/2 months? LOL really sorry! But well in May I worked like crazy for the whole month, nearly everyday and having no life at all. And I rarely met my friends.

DON'T EVER DO THAT HAHA. You'll legit go crazy!!! But I earned quite alot of money in that month but I alr quit one of my jobs cause....

But anyway, June is camp season, aka my FAVOURITE season <3 Signed up for q a few camps to play and have fun and everyone thought I was crazy signing up for so many. (actually I think it's because I didn't have a life in May that's why I went siao and signed up for everything lol.)

Guess I'll be splitting up my posts and sharing my camp experiences!! ;)

Luv, Olliee